# Copyright 2019. AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import functools import logging import os from pegleg import config from pegleg import engine from pegleg.engine import bundle from pegleg.engine import catalog from pegleg.engine.secrets import wrap_secret from pegleg.engine.util import files from pegleg.engine.util.shipyard_helper import ShipyardHelper LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)s:' \ '%(funcName)s [%(lineno)3d] %(message)s' # noqa LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def set_logging_level(verbose=False, logging_level=40): """Sets logging level used for pegleg :param verbose: sets level to DEBUG when True :param logging_level: specifies logging level by numbers :return: """ lvl = logging_level if verbose: lvl = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(format=LOG_FORMAT, level=int(lvl)) def run_config( site_repository, clone_path, repo_key, repo_username, extra_repositories, run_umask=True): """Initializes pegleg configuration data :param site_repository: path or URL for site repository :param clone_path: directory in which to clone the site_repository :param repo_key: key for remote repository URL if needed :param repo_username: username to replace REPO_USERNAME in repository URL if needed :param extra_repositories: list of extra repositories to read in documents from, specified as "type=REPO_URL/PATH" :param run_umask: if True, runs set_umask for os file output :return: """ config.set_site_repo(site_repository) config.set_clone_path(clone_path) if extra_repositories: config.set_extra_repo_overrides(extra_repositories) config.set_repo_key(repo_key) config.set_repo_username(repo_username) if run_umask: config.set_umask() def _run_lint_helper( *, fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint, warn_lint, site_name=None): """Helper for executing lint on specific site or all sites in repo.""" if site_name: func = functools.partial(engine.lint.site, site_name=site_name) else: func = engine.lint.full warns = func( fail_on_missing_sub_src=fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint=exclude_lint, warn_lint=warn_lint) return warns def run_lint(exclude_lint, fail_on_missing_sub_src, warn_lint): """Runs linting on a repository :param exclude_lint: exclude specified linting rules :param fail_on_missing_sub_src: if True, fails when a substitution source file is missing :param warn_lint: output warnings for specified rules :return: warnings developed from linting :rtype: list """ engine.repository.process_site_repository(update_config=True) warns = _run_lint_helper( fail_on_missing_sub_src=fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint=exclude_lint, warn_lint=warn_lint) return warns def run_collect(exclude_lint, save_location, site_name, validate, warn_lint): """Runs document collection to produce single file definitions, containing all information and documents required by airship :param exclude_lint: exclude specified linting rules :param save_location: path to output definition files to, ouputs to stdout if None :param site_name: site name to collect from repository :param validate: validate documents prior to collection :param warn_lint: output warnings for specified rules :return: """ if validate: # Lint the primary repo prior to document collection. _run_lint_helper( site_name=site_name, fail_on_missing_sub_src=True, exclude_lint=exclude_lint, warn_lint=warn_lint) engine.site.collect(site_name, save_location) def run_list_sites(output_stream): """Output list of known sites in repository :param output_stream: where to output site list :return: """ engine.repository.process_site_repository(update_config=True) engine.site.list_(output_stream) def run_show(output_stream, site_name): """Shows details for one site :param output_stream: where to output site information :param site_name: site name to process :return: """ engine.site.show(site_name, output_stream) def run_render(output_stream, site_name, validate): """Render a site through the deckhand engine :param output_stream: where to output rendered site data :param site_name: site name to process :param validate: if True, validate documents using schema validation :return: """ engine.site.render(site_name, output_stream, validate) def run_lint_site(exclude_lint, fail_on_missing_sub_src, site_name, warn_lint): """Lints a specified site :param exclude_lint: exclude specified linting rules :param fail_on_missing_sub_src: if True, fails when a substitution source file is missing :param site_name: site name to collect from repository :param warn_lint: output warnings for specified rules :return: """ return _run_lint_helper( fail_on_missing_sub_src=fail_on_missing_sub_src, exclude_lint=exclude_lint, warn_lint=warn_lint, site_name=site_name) def run_upload( buffer_mode, collection, context_marker, ctx, os_auth_token, os_auth_url, os_domain_name, os_password, os_project_domain_name, os_project_name, os_user_domain_name, os_username, site_name): """Uploads a collection of documents to shipyard :param buffer_mode: mode used when uploading documents :param collection: specifies the name to use for uploaded collection :param context_marker: UUID used to correlate logs, transactions, etc... :param ctx: dictionary containing various data used by shipyard :param os_auth_token: authentication token :param os_auth_url: authentication url :param os_domain_name: domain name :param os_password: password :param os_project_domain_name: project domain name :param os_project_name: project name :param os_user_domain_name: user domain name :param os_username: username :param site_name: site name to process :return: response from shipyard instance """ if not ctx.obj: ctx.obj = {} # Build API parameters required by Shipyard API Client. if os_auth_token: os.environ['OS_AUTH_TOKEN'] = os_auth_token auth_vars = {'token': os_auth_token, 'auth_url': os_auth_url} else: auth_vars = { 'user_domain_name': os_user_domain_name, 'project_name': os_project_name, 'username': os_username, 'password': os_password, 'auth_url': os_auth_url } # Domain-scoped params if os_domain_name: auth_vars['domain_name'] = os_domain_name auth_vars['project_domain_name'] = None # Project-scoped params else: auth_vars['project_domain_name'] = os_project_domain_name ctx.obj['API_PARAMETERS'] = {'auth_vars': auth_vars} ctx.obj['context_marker'] = str(context_marker) ctx.obj['site_name'] = site_name ctx.obj['collection'] = collection config.set_global_enc_keys(site_name) return ShipyardHelper(ctx, buffer_mode).upload_documents() def run_generate_pki( author, days, regenerate_all, site_name, save_location=None): """Generates certificates from PKI catalog :param author: identifies author generating new certificates for tracking information :param days: duration in days for the certificate to be valid :param regenerate_all: force regeneration of all certs, regardless of expiration :param site_name: site name to process :param save_location: directory to store the generated site certificates in :return: list of paths written to """ engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name, overwrite_existing=True) pkigenerator = catalog.pki_generator.PKIGenerator( site_name, author=author, duration=days, regenerate_all=regenerate_all, save_location=save_location) output_paths = pkigenerator.generate() return output_paths def run_wrap_secret( author, encrypt, filename, layer, name, output_path, schema, site_name): """Wraps a bare secrets file with identifying information for pegleg :param author: identifies author generating new certificates for tracking information :param encrypt: if False, leaves files in cleartext format :param filename: path to file to be wrapped :param layer: layer for document to be wrapped in, e.g. site or global :param name: name for the docuemnt wrap :param output_path: path to output wrapped document to :param schema: schema for the document wrap :param site_name: site name to process :return: """ engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name, overwrite_existing=True) config.set_global_enc_keys(site_name) wrap_secret( author, filename, output_path, schema, name, layer, encrypt, site_name=site_name) def run_genesis_bundle(build_dir, site_name, validators): """Runs genesis bundle via promenade :param build_dir: output directory for the generated bundle :param site_name: site name to process :param validators: if True, runs validation scripts on genesis bundle :return: """ encryption_key = os.environ.get("PROMENADE_ENCRYPTION_KEY") config.set_global_enc_keys(site_name) bundle.build_genesis( build_dir, encryption_key, validators, logging.DEBUG == LOG.getEffectiveLevel(), site_name) def run_check_pki_certs(days, site_name): """Checks PKI certificates for upcoming expiration :param days: number of days in advance to check for upcoming expirations :param site_name: site name to process :return: """ engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name, overwrite_existing=True) config.set_global_enc_keys(site_name) expiring_certs_exist, cert_results = engine.secrets.check_cert_expiry( site_name, duration=days) return expiring_certs_exist, cert_results def run_list_types(output_stream): """List type names for a repository :param output_stream: stream to output list :return: """ engine.repository.process_site_repository(update_config=True) engine.type.list_types(output_stream) def run_generate_passphrases( author, force_cleartext, interactive, save_location, site_name, passphrase_catalog=None): """Generates passphrases for site :param author: identifies author generating new certificates for tracking information :param force_cleartext: if True, forces cleartext output of passphrases :param interactive: Enables input prompts for "prompt: true" passphrases :param save_location: path to save generated passphrases to :param site_name: site name to process :param passphrase_catalog: path to a passphrase catalog to override other discovered catalogs :return: """ engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name) config.set_global_enc_keys(site_name) engine.secrets.generate_passphrases( site_name, save_location, author, passphrase_catalog=passphrase_catalog, interactive=interactive, force_cleartext=force_cleartext) def run_encrypt(author, save_location, site_name): """Wraps and encrypts site secret documents :param author: identifies author generating new certificates for tracking information :param save_location: path to save encrypted documents to, if None the original documents are overwritten :param site_name: site name to process :return: """ engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name, overwrite_existing=True) config.set_global_enc_keys(site_name) if save_location is None: save_location = config.get_site_repo() engine.secrets.encrypt(save_location, author, site_name=site_name) def run_decrypt(overwrite, path, save_location, site_name): """Unwraps and decrypts secret documents for a site :param overwrite: if True, overwrites original files with decrypted :param path: file or directory to decrypt :param save_location: if specified saves to the given path, otherwise returns list of decrypted information :param site_name: site name to process :return: decrypted data list if save_location is None :rtype: list """ decrypted_data = [] engine.repository.process_repositories(site_name) config.set_global_enc_keys(site_name) decrypted = engine.secrets.decrypt(path, site_name=site_name) if overwrite: for path, data in decrypted.items(): files.write(data, path) elif save_location is None: for data in decrypted.values(): decrypted_data.append(data) else: for path, data in decrypted.items(): file_name = os.path.split(path)[1] file_save_location = os.path.join(save_location, file_name) files.write(data, file_save_location) return decrypted_data def run_generate_passphrase(length=24): """Generates a single passphrase :param length: length of passphrase :return: generated passphrase :rtype: str """ return engine.secrets.generate_crypto_string(length) def run_generate_salt(length=24): """Generates a single salt :param length: length of salt :return: generated salt :rtype: str """ return engine.secrets.generate_crypto_string(length)