# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import shutil import socket import requests import fixtures import mock import pytest from pegleg.engine import exceptions from pegleg.engine.util import git from tests.unit import test_utils _REPO_DIR = None _PROXY_SERVERS = { 'http': os.getenv('HTTP_PROXY', os.getenv('http_proxy', 'http://one.proxy.att.com:8888')), 'https': os.getenv('HTTPS_PROXY', os.getenv('https_proxy', 'https://one.proxy.att.com:8888')) } def is_connected(): """Verifies whether network connectivity is up. :returns: True if connected else False. """ try: r = requests.get("http://www.github.com/", proxies={}) return r.ok except requests.exceptions.RequestException: return False def is_connected_behind_proxy(): """Verifies whether network connectivity is up behind given proxy. :returns: True if connected else False. """ try: r = requests.get("http://www.github.com/", proxies=_PROXY_SERVERS) return r.ok except requests.exceptions.RequestException: return False @pytest.fixture() def clean_git_repo(): global _REPO_DIR try: yield finally: if _REPO_DIR and os.path.exists(_REPO_DIR): shutil.rmtree(_REPO_DIR) _REPO_DIR = None def _validate_git_clone(repo_dir, fetched_ref=None, checked_out_ref=None): """Validate that git clone/checkout work. :param repo_dir: Path to local Git repo. :param fetched_ref: Reference that is stored in FETCH_HEAD following a remote fetch. :param checked_out_ref: Reference that is stored in HEAD following a local ref checkout. """ global _REPO_DIR _REPO_DIR = repo_dir assert os.path.isdir(repo_dir) # Assert that the directory is a Git repo. assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(repo_dir, '.git')) if fetched_ref: # Assert the FETCH_HEAD is at the fetched_ref ref. with open(os.path.join(repo_dir, '.git', 'FETCH_HEAD'), 'r') \ as git_file: assert fetched_ref in git_file.read() if checked_out_ref: # Assert the HEAD is at the checked_out_ref. with open(os.path.join(repo_dir, '.git', 'HEAD'), 'r') \ as git_file: assert checked_out_ref in git_file.read() def _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir): expected_msg = ('Treating repo_url=%s as an already-cloned repository') assert mock_log.debug.called mock_calls = mock_log.debug.mock_calls assert any(m[1][0].startswith(expected_msg) for m in mock_calls) assert any(m[1][1] == git_dir for m in mock_calls) mock_log.debug.reset_mock() @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_valid_url_http_protocol(clean_git_repo): url = 'http://github.com/openstack/airship-armada' git_dir = git.git_handler(url, ref='master') _validate_git_clone(git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_valid_url_https_protocol(clean_git_repo): url = 'https://github.com/openstack/airship-armada' git_dir = git.git_handler(url, ref='master') _validate_git_clone(git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_with_commit_reference(clean_git_repo): url = 'https://github.com/openstack/airship-armada' commit = 'cba78d1d03e4910f6ab1691bae633c5bddce893d' git_dir = git.git_handler(url, commit) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, commit) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_with_patch_ref(clean_git_repo): ref = 'refs/changes/54/457754/73' git_dir = git.git_handler('https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm', ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, ref) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected_behind_proxy(), reason='git clone requires proxy connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_behind_proxy(mock_log, clean_git_repo): url = 'https://github.com/openstack/airship-armada' commit = 'cba78d1d03e4910f6ab1691bae633c5bddce893d' for proxy_server in _PROXY_SERVERS.values(): git_dir = git.git_handler(url, commit, proxy_server=proxy_server) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, commit) mock_log.debug.assert_any_call('Cloning [%s] with proxy [%s]', url, proxy_server) mock_log.debug.reset_mock() @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_existing_directory_checks_out_earlier_ref_from_local( mock_log, clean_git_repo): """Validate Git checks out an earlier patch or ref that should exist locally (as a later ref was already fetched which should contain that revision history). """ # Clone the openstack-helm repo and automatically checkout patch 34. ref = 'refs/changes/15/536215/35' repo_url = 'https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm' git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, fetched_ref=ref) # Checkout ref='master' now that the repo already exists locally. ref = 'refs/changes/15/536215/34' git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, checked_out_ref=ref) _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_existing_directory_checks_out_master_from_local( mock_log, clean_git_repo): """Validate Git checks out the ref of an already cloned repo that exists locally. """ # Clone the openstack-helm repo and automatically checkout patch 34. ref = 'refs/changes/15/536215/34' repo_url = 'https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm' git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, fetched_ref=ref) # Checkout ref='master' now that the repo already exists locally. ref = 'master' git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, checked_out_ref=ref) _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_checkout_refpath_saves_references_locally( mock_log, clean_git_repo): """Validate that refpath/hexsha branches are created in the local repo following clone of the repo using a refpath during initial checkout. """ # Clone the openstack-helm repo and automatically checkout patch 34. ref = 'refs/changes/15/536215/34' repo_url = 'https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm' git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, fetched_ref=ref) # Now checkout patch 34 again to ensure it's still there. ref = 'refs/changes/15/536215/34' git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, checked_out_ref=ref) _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir) # Verify that passing in the hexsha variation of refpath # 'refs/changes/15/536215/34' also works. hexref = '276102a115dac3c0a6e91f9047d8b086bc8d2ff0' git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, hexref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, checked_out_ref=hexref) _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_checkout_hexsha_saves_references_locally( mock_log, clean_git_repo): """Validate that refpath/hexsha branches are created in the local repo following clone of the repo using a hexsha during initial checkout. """ # Clone the openstack-helm repo and automatically checkout patch using # hexsha. # NOTE(felipemonteiro): We have to use the commit ID (hexsha) corresponding # to the last patch as that is what gets pushed to github. In this case, # this corresponds to patch 'refs/changes/15/536215/35'. ref = 'bf126f46b1c175a8038949a87dafb0a716e3b9b6' repo_url = 'https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm' git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, fetched_ref=ref) # Now checkout patch using hexsha again to ensure it's still there. ref = 'bf126f46b1c175a8038949a87dafb0a716e3b9b6' git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, checked_out_ref=ref) _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir) # Verify that passing in the refpath variation of hexsha also works. hexref = 'refs/changes/15/536215/35' git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, hexref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, checked_out_ref=hexref) _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_existing_directory_checks_out_next_local_ref( mock_log, clean_git_repo): """Validate Git fetches the newer ref upstream that doesn't exist locally in the cloned repo. """ # Clone the openstack-helm repo and automatically checkout patch 73. ref = 'refs/changes/54/457754/73' repo_url = 'https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm' git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, ref) # Attempt to checkout patch 74 which requires a remote fetch even though # the repo has already been cloned. ref = 'refs/changes/54/457754/74' git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, ref) _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_delete_repo_and_reclone(mock_log, clean_git_repo): """Validate that cloning a repo, then deleting it, then recloning it works. """ # Clone the openstack-helm repo and automatically checkout patch 73. ref = 'refs/changes/54/457754/73' repo_url = 'https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm' first_git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(first_git_dir, ref) # Validate that the repo was cloned. assert mock_log.debug.called mock_log.debug.assert_any_call('Cloning [%s]', repo_url) mock_log.debug.reset_mock() # Delete the just-cloned repo. shutil.rmtree(first_git_dir) # Verify that checking out the same ref results in a re-clone. second_git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(second_git_dir, ref) # Validate that the repo was cloned. assert first_git_dir != second_git_dir assert mock_log.debug.called mock_log.debug.assert_any_call('Cloning [%s]', repo_url) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_clean_dirty_local_repo(mock_log, clean_git_repo): """Validate that a dirty repo is cleaned before a ref is checked out.""" ref = 'refs/changes/54/457754/73' repo_url = 'https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm' git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, ref) file_to_rename = os.path.join(git_dir, os.listdir(git_dir)[0]) os.rename(file_to_rename, file_to_rename + '-renamed') git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, ref) assert mock_log.warning.called mock_log.warning.assert_any_call( 'The locally cloned repo_url=%s is dirty. Cleaning up untracked ' 'files.', git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch.object(git, 'LOG', autospec=True) def test_git_clone_existing_directory_raises_exc_for_invalid_ref( mock_log, clean_git_repo): """Validate Git throws an error for an invalid ref when trying to checkout a ref for an already-cloned repo. """ # Clone the openstack-helm repo and automatically checkout patch 73. ref = 'refs/changes/54/457754/73' repo_url = 'https://github.com/openstack/openstack-helm' git_dir = git.git_handler(repo_url, ref) _validate_git_clone(git_dir, ref) # Attempt to checkout patch 9000 now that the repo already exists locally. ref = 'refs/changes/54/457754/9000' with pytest.raises(exceptions.GitException): git_dir = git.git_handler(git_dir, ref) _assert_repo_url_was_cloned(mock_log, git_dir) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_empty_url_raises_value_error(clean_git_repo): url = '' with pytest.raises(ValueError): git.git_handler(url, ref='master') @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_invalid_url_type_raises_value_error(clean_git_repo): url = 5 with pytest.raises(ValueError): git.git_handler(url, ref='master') @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_invalid_local_repo_url_raises_notadirectory_error( clean_git_repo): url = False with pytest.raises(NotADirectoryError): git.git_handler(url, ref='master') @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_invalid_remote_url(clean_git_repo): url = 'https://github.com/dummy/armada' with pytest.raises(exceptions.GitException): git.git_handler(url, ref='master') @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_invalid_remote_url_protocol(clean_git_repo): url = 'ftp://foo.bar' with pytest.raises(ValueError): git.git_handler(url, ref='master') @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') def test_git_clone_fake_proxy(clean_git_repo): url = 'https://github.com/openstack/airship-armada' proxy_url = test_utils.rand_name( 'not.a.proxy.that.works.and.never.will', prefix='http://') + ":8080" with pytest.raises(exceptions.GitProxyException): git.git_handler(url, ref='master', proxy_server=proxy_url) @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=True, autospec=True) def test_git_clone_ssh_auth_method_fails_auth(_, clean_git_repo): fake_user = test_utils.rand_name('fake_user') url = ('ssh://%s@review.openstack.org:29418/openstack/airship-armada' % fake_user) with pytest.raises(exceptions.GitAuthException): git._try_git_clone( url, ref='refs/changes/17/388517/5', auth_key='/home/user/.ssh/') @pytest.mark.skipif( not is_connected(), reason='git clone requires network connectivity.') @mock.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False, autospec=True) def test_git_clone_ssh_auth_method_missing_ssh_key(_, clean_git_repo): fake_user = test_utils.rand_name('fake_user') url = ('ssh://%s@review.openstack.org:29418/openstack/airship-armada' % fake_user) with pytest.raises(exceptions.GitSSHException): git.git_handler( url, ref='refs/changes/17/388517/5', auth_key='/home/user/.ssh/')