# Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import os import shutil import textwrap import click import mock import pytest import yaml from pegleg import config from pegleg.engine.catalog import pki_generator from pegleg.engine.catalog import pki_utility from pegleg.engine.common import managed_document from pegleg.engine import secrets from pegleg.engine.util import files from tests.unit import test_utils _SITE_TEST_STRUCTURE = { 'directories': { 'secrets': { 'directories': { 'passphrases': { 'files': {} }, }, }, 'pki': { 'files': {} } }, 'files': {} } _SITE_DEFINITION = textwrap.dedent( """ --- schema: pegleg/SiteDefinition/v1 metadata: layeringDefinition: {abstract: false, layer: site} name: %(sitename)s schema: metadata/Document/v1 storagePolicy: cleartext data: repositories: global: revision: v1.0 url: http://nowhere.com site_type: %(sitename)s ... """) _CA_KEY_NAME = "kubernetes" _CERT_KEY_NAME = "kubelet-n3" _KEYPAIR_KEY_NAME = "service-account" _PKI_CATALOG_CAS = textwrap.dedent( """ --- schema: pegleg/PKICatalog/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: cluster-certificates-addition layeringDefinition: abstract: false layer: site storagePolicy: cleartext data: certificate_authorities: %s: description: CA for Kubernetes components ... """ % _CA_KEY_NAME) _PKI_CATALOG_CERTS = textwrap.dedent( """ --- schema: pegleg/PKICatalog/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: cluster-certificates-addition layeringDefinition: abstract: false layer: site storagePolicy: cleartext data: certificate_authorities: %s: description: CA for Kubernetes components certificates: - document_name: %s common_name: system:node:n3 hosts: - n3 - groups: - system:nodes ... """ % (_CA_KEY_NAME, _CERT_KEY_NAME)) _PKI_CATALOG_KEYPAIRS = textwrap.dedent( """ --- schema: pegleg/PKICatalog/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: cluster-certificates-addition layeringDefinition: abstract: false layer: site storagePolicy: cleartext data: keypairs: - name: %s description: | Service account signing key for use by Kubernetes controller-manager. ... """ % _KEYPAIR_KEY_NAME) _PKI_CATALOG_EVERYTHING = textwrap.dedent( """ --- schema: pegleg/PKICatalog/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: cluster-certificates-addition layeringDefinition: abstract: false layer: site storagePolicy: cleartext data: certificate_authorities: %s: description: CA for Kubernetes components certificates: - document_name: %s common_name: system:node:n3 hosts: - n3 - groups: - system:nodes keypairs: - name: %s description: | Service account signing key for use by Kubernetes controller-manager. ... """ % (_CA_KEY_NAME, _CERT_KEY_NAME, _KEYPAIR_KEY_NAME)) @pytest.fixture() def create_tmp_pki_structure(tmpdir): """Fixture that creates a temporary site directory structure include pki/ subfolder for validating PKIGenerator logic. :returns: Function pointer, which, when called, creates a temporary file structure with pki/ subfolder. """ def _create_tmp_folder_system(sitename, pki_catalog): """Creates a temporary site folder system. :param str sitename: Name of the site. :param str pki_catalog: YAML-formatted string that adheres to pki-catalog.yaml structure. """ # Create site directories and files. p = tmpdir.mkdir("deployment_files") config.set_site_repo(p.strpath) site_definition = copy.deepcopy(_SITE_DEFINITION) site_definition = site_definition % {'sitename': sitename} pki_catalog = copy.deepcopy(pki_catalog) pki_catalog = pki_catalog.format(sitename=sitename) test_structure = copy.deepcopy(_SITE_TEST_STRUCTURE) test_structure['files']['site-definition.yaml'] = yaml.safe_load( site_definition) test_structure['directories']['pki']['files'][ 'pki-catalog.yaml'] = yaml.safe_load(pki_catalog) test_path = os.path.join(p.strpath, files._site_path(sitename)) files._create_tree(test_path, tree=test_structure) return p.strpath try: yield _create_tmp_folder_system finally: temp_path = config.get_site_repo() if temp_path != './' and os.path.exists(temp_path): shutil.rmtree(temp_path, ignore_errors=True) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def mock_passphrase_and_salt_env_variables(tmpdir): rand_passphrase = secrets.generate_crypto_string(length=24) rand_salt = secrets.generate_crypto_string(length=24) unmocked_env_get = os.environ.get def mock_environ_get(key, *args, **kwargs): if key == 'PEGLEG_PASSPHRASE': return rand_passphrase elif key == 'PEGLEG_SALT': return rand_salt return unmocked_env_get(key, *args, **kwargs) mock_env_get = mock.patch( 'os.environ.get', side_effect=mock_environ_get).start() yield mock_env_get.stop() @pytest.mark.skipif( not pki_utility.PKIUtility.cfssl_exists(), reason='cfssl must be installed to execute these tests') class TestPKIGenerator(object): # TODO(felipemonteiro): Test expiry logic. @classmethod def setup_class(cls): mock.patch.object( managed_document, '_get_repo_url_and_rev', new=lambda: ('fake://github.com/nothing.git', 'master')).start() def _validate_documents(self, documents, expected_name, valid_schemas): # Always expect 2 of each document (privatekey/publickey). assert 2 == len(documents) for document in documents: # Validate that the wrapped document exists. assert 'managedDocument' in document['data'] assert isinstance(document['data']['managedDocument'], dict) wrapped_document = document['data']['managedDocument'] # Validate the wrapped document data. wrapped_schema = wrapped_document['schema'] wrapped_name = wrapped_document['metadata']['name'] assert wrapped_schema in valid_schemas # Assert that one each of the valid schemas is present. valid_schemas.remove(wrapped_schema) assert expected_name == wrapped_name # Validate the wrapper document data. wrapper_schema = document['schema'] wrapper_name = document['metadata']['name'] wrapper_storage_policy = document['metadata']['storagePolicy'] # This document is owned by Pegleg so begins with pegleg. assert "pegleg/PeglegManagedDocument/v1" == wrapper_schema assert expected_name == wrapper_name assert "cleartext" == wrapper_storage_policy def _validate_keypairs(self, documents): valid_keypair_schemas = [ # These documents are owned by Deckhand so begin with deckhand. "deckhand/PublicKey/v1", "deckhand/PrivateKey/v1", ] def _filter_keypairs(x): return ( x['data']['managedDocument']['schema'] in valid_keypair_schemas ) keypairs = list(filter(_filter_keypairs, documents)) self._validate_documents( keypairs, expected_name=_KEYPAIR_KEY_NAME, valid_schemas=valid_keypair_schemas) def _validate_certificates(self, documents): valid_cert_schemas = [ # These documents are owned by Deckhand so begin with deckhand. "deckhand/Certificate/v1", "deckhand/CertificateKey/v1", ] def _filter_certificates(x): return ( x['data']['managedDocument']['schema'] in valid_cert_schemas) certificates = list(filter(_filter_certificates, documents)) self._validate_documents( certificates, expected_name=_CERT_KEY_NAME, valid_schemas=valid_cert_schemas) def _validate_certificate_authorities(self, documents): valid_ca_schemas = [ # These documents are owned by Deckhand so begin with deckhand. "deckhand/CertificateAuthority/v1", "deckhand/CertificateAuthorityKey/v1", ] def _filter_cas(x): return (x['data']['managedDocument']['schema'] in valid_ca_schemas) cas = list(filter(_filter_cas, documents)) self._validate_documents( cas, expected_name=_CA_KEY_NAME, valid_schemas=valid_ca_schemas) def _aggregate_documents(self, output_paths): documents = [] for output_path in output_paths: with open(output_path, 'r') as f: documents.extend(list(yaml.safe_load_all(f))) return documents def _test_pki_generates_cas(self, sitename): pkigenerator = pki_generator.PKIGenerator(sitename) output_paths = pkigenerator.generate() documents = self._aggregate_documents(output_paths) assert 2 == len(documents) self._validate_certificate_authorities(documents) return documents def test_pki_generates_cas(self, create_tmp_pki_structure): """Validate that PKIGenerator generates CAs.""" sitename = "test" rootpath = create_tmp_pki_structure(sitename, _PKI_CATALOG_CAS) self._test_pki_generates_cas(sitename) def _test_pki_generates_certificates(self, sitename): pkigenerator = pki_generator.PKIGenerator(sitename) output_paths = pkigenerator.generate() documents = self._aggregate_documents(output_paths) assert 4 == len(documents) self._validate_certificate_authorities(documents) self._validate_certificates(documents) return documents def test_pki_generates_certificates(self, create_tmp_pki_structure): """Validate that PKIGenerator generates certificates (which requires generating the CAs as well). """ sitename = "test" rootpath = create_tmp_pki_structure(sitename, _PKI_CATALOG_CERTS) self._test_pki_generates_certificates(sitename) def _test_pki_generates_keypairs(self, sitename): pkigenerator = pki_generator.PKIGenerator(sitename) output_paths = pkigenerator.generate() documents = self._aggregate_documents(output_paths) assert 2 == len(documents) self._validate_keypairs(documents) return documents def test_pki_generates_keypairs(self, create_tmp_pki_structure): """Validate that PKIGenerator generates keypairs.""" sitename = "test" rootpath = create_tmp_pki_structure(sitename, _PKI_CATALOG_KEYPAIRS) self._test_pki_generates_keypairs(sitename) def _test_pki_generates_everything(self, sitename): pkigenerator = pki_generator.PKIGenerator(sitename) output_paths = pkigenerator.generate() documents = self._aggregate_documents(output_paths) assert 6 == len(documents) self._validate_keypairs(documents) self._validate_certificate_authorities(documents) self._validate_certificates(documents) return documents def test_pki_generates_everything(self, create_tmp_pki_structure): """Validate that PKIGenerator generates certs, CAs, and keypairs (everything) all at once. """ sitename = "test" rootpath = create_tmp_pki_structure(sitename, _PKI_CATALOG_EVERYTHING) self._test_pki_generates_everything(sitename)