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# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import requests
from drydock_provisioner import error as errors
class DrydockClient(object):
A client for the Drydock API
:param DrydockSession session: A instance of DrydockSession to be used by this client
:param string version: Drydock API version to use, default is '1.0'
def __init__(self, session, version='1.0'):
self.session = session
self.version = version
self.api_url = "%s/%s/" % (self.session.base_url, version)
def __send_get(self, endpoint, query=None):
Send a GET request to Drydock.
:param string endpoint: The URL string following the hostname and API prefix
:param dict query: A dict of k, v pairs to add to the query string
:return: A requests.Response object
resp = self.session.get(self.api_url + endpoint, params=query)
return resp
def __send_post(self, endpoint, query=None, body=None, data=None):
Send a POST request to Drydock. If both body and data are specified,
body will will be used.
:param string endpoint: The URL string following the hostname and API prefix
:param dict query: A dict of k, v parameters to add to the query string
:param string body: A string to use as the request body. Will be treated as raw
:param data: Something json.dumps(s) can serialize. Result will be used as the request body
:return: A requests.Response object
if body is not None:
resp = self.session.post(self.api_url + endpoint, params=query, data=body)
resp = self.session.post(self.api_url + endpoint, params=query, json=data)
return resp
def get_design_ids(self):
Get list of Drydock design_ids
:return: A list of string design_ids
endpoint = '/designs'
resp = self.__send_get(endpoint)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise errors.ClientError("Received a %d from GET URL: %s" % (resp.status_code, endpoint),
return resp.json()
def get_design(self, design_id, source='designed'):
Get a full design based on the passed design_id
:param string design_id: A UUID design_id
:param string source: The model source to return. 'designed' is as input, 'compiled' is after merging
:return: A dict of the design and all currently loaded design parts
endpoint = "/designs/%s" % design_id
resp = self.__send_get(endpoint, query={'source': source})
if resp.status_code == 404:
raise errors.ClientError("Design ID %s not found." % (design_id), code=404)
elif resp.status_code != 200:
raise errors.ClientError("Received a %d from GET URL: %s" % (resp.status_code, endpoint),
return resp.json()
def create_design(self, base_design=None):
Create a new design context for holding design parts
:param string base_design: String UUID of the base design to build this design upon
:return string: String UUID of the design ID
endpoint = '/designs'
if base_design is not None:
resp = self.__send_post(endpoint, data={'base_design_id': base_design})
resp = self.__send_post(endpoint)
if resp.status_code != 201:
raise errors.ClientError("Received a %d from POST URL: %s" % (resp.status_code, endpoint),
design = resp.json()
return design.get('id', None)
def get_part(self, design_id, kind, key, source='designed'):
Query the model definition of a design part
:param string design_id: The string UUID of the design context to query
:param string kind: The design part kind as defined in the Drydock design YAML schema
:param string key: The design part key, generally a name.
:param string source: The model source to return. 'designed' is as input, 'compiled' is after merging
:return: A dict of the design part
endpoint = "/designs/%s/parts/%s/%s" % (design_id, kind, key)
resp = self.__send_get(endpoint, query={'source': source})
if resp.status_code == 404:
raise errors.ClientError("%s %s in design %s not found" % (key, kind, design_id), code=404)
elif resp.status_code != 200:
raise errors.ClientError("Received a %d from GET URL: %s" % (resp.status_code, endpoint),
def load_parts(self, design_id, yaml_string=None):
Load new design parts into a design context via YAML conforming to the Drydock design YAML schema
:param string design_id: String uuid design_id of the design context
:param string yaml_string: A single or multidoc YAML string to be ingested
:return: Dict of the parsed design parts
endpoint = "/designs/%s/parts" % (design_id)
resp = self.__send_post(endpoint, query={'ingester': 'yaml'}, body=yaml_string)
if resp.status_code == 400:
raise errors.ClientError("Invalid inputs: %s" % resp.text, code=resp.status_code)
elif resp.status_code == 500:
raise errors.ClientError("Server error: %s" % resp.text, code=resp.status_code)
elif resp.status_code == 201:
return resp.json()
raise errors.ClientError("Uknown error. Received %d" % resp.status_code,
def get_tasks(self):
Get a list of all the tasks, completed or running.
:return: List of string uuid task IDs
endpoint = "/tasks"
resp = self.__send_get(endpoint)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise errors.ClientError("Server error: %s" % resp.text, code=resp.status_code)
return resp.json()
def get_task(self, task_id):
Get the current description of a Drydock task
:param string task_id: The string uuid task id to query
:return: A dict representing the current state of the task
endpoint = "/tasks/%s" % (task_id)
resp = self.__send_get(endpoint)
if resp.status_code == 200:
return resp.json()
elif resp.status_code == 404:
raise errors.ClientError("Task %s not found" % task_id, code=resp.status_code)
raise errors.ClientError("Server error: %s" % resp.text, code=resp.status_code)
def create_task(self, design_id, task_action, node_filter=None):
Create a new task in Drydock
:param string design_id: A string uuid identifying the design context the task should operate on
:param string task_action: The action that should be executed
:param dict node_filter: A filter for narrowing the scope of the task. Valid fields are 'node_names',
'rack_names', 'node_tags'.
:return: The string uuid of the create task's id
endpoint = '/tasks'
task_dict = {
'action': task_action,
'design_id': design_id,
'node_filter': node_filter
resp = self.__send_post(endpoint, data=task_dict)
if resp.status_code == 201:
return resp.json().get('id')
elif resp.status_code == 400:
raise errors.ClientError("Invalid inputs, received a %d: %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text),