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# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timezone
import uuid
import helm_drydock.model.node as node
import helm_drydock.model.hostprofile as hostprofile
import helm_drydock.model.network as network
import helm_drydock.model.site as site
import helm_drydock.model.hwprofile as hwprofile
from helm_drydock.error import DesignError
class DesignState(object):
def __init__(self):
self.design_base = None
self.design_changes = []
self.builds = []
# TODO Need to lock a design base or change once implementation
# has started
def get_design_base(self):
if self.design_base is None:
raise DesignError("No design base submitted")
return deepcopy(self.design_base)
def post_design_base(self, site_design):
if site_design is not None and isinstance(site_design, SiteDesign):
self.design_base = deepcopy(site_design)
return True
def put_design_base(self, site_design):
# TODO Support merging
if site_design is not None and isinstance(site_design, SiteDesign):
self.design_base = deepcopy(site_design)
return True
def get_design_change(self, changeid):
match = [x for x in self.design_changes if x.changeid == changeid]
if len(match) == 0:
raise DesignError("No design change %s found." % (changeid))
return deepcopy(match[0])
def post_design_change(self, site_design):
if site_design is not None and isinstance(site_design, SiteDesign):
exists = [(x) for x
in self.design_changes
if x.changeid == site_design.changeid]
if len(exists) > 0:
raise DesignError("Existing change %s found" %
return True
raise DesignError("Design change must be a SiteDesign instance")
def put_design_change(self, site_design):
# TODO Support merging
if site_design is not None and isinstance(site_design, SiteDesign):
design_copy = deepcopy(site_design)
self.design_changes = [design_copy
if x.changeid == design_copy.changeid
else x
for x
in self.design_changes]
return True
raise DesignError("Design change must be a SiteDesign instance")
def get_current_build(self):
latest_stamp = 0
current_build = None
for b in self.builds:
if b.build_id > latest_stamp:
latest_stamp = b.build_id
current_build = b
return deepcopy(current_build)
def get_build(self, build_id):
for b in self.builds:
if b.build_id == build_id:
return b
return None
def post_build(self, site_build):
if site_build is not None and isinstance(site_build, SiteBuild):
exists = [b for b in self.builds
if b.build_id == site_build.build_id]
if len(exists) > 0:
raise DesignError("Already a site build with ID %s" %
return True
class SiteDesign(object):
def __init__(self, ischange=False):
if ischange:
self.changeid = uuid.uuid4()
self.changeid = 0
self.sites = []
self.networks = []
self.network_links = []
self.host_profiles = []
self.hardware_profiles = []
self.baremetal_nodes = []
def add_site(self, new_site):
if new_site is None or not isinstance(new_site, site.Site):
raise DesignError("Invalid Site model")
def get_sites(self):
return self.sites
def get_site(self, site_name):
for s in self.sites:
if s.name == site_name:
return s
raise DesignError("Site %s not found in design state" % site_name)
def add_network(self, new_network):
if new_network is None or not isinstance(new_network, network.Network):
raise DesignError("Invalid Network model")
def get_networks(self):
return self.networks
def get_network(self, network_name):
for n in self.networks:
if n.name == network_name:
return n
raise DesignError("Network %s not found in design state"
% network_name)
def add_network_link(self, new_network_link):
if new_network_link is None or not isinstance(new_network_link,
raise DesignError("Invalid NetworkLink model")
def get_network_links(self):
return self.network_links
def get_network_link(self, link_name):
for l in self.network_links:
if l.name == link_name:
return l
raise DesignError("NetworkLink %s not found in design state"
% link_name)
def add_host_profile(self, new_host_profile):
if new_host_profile is None or not isinstance(new_host_profile,
raise DesignError("Invalid HostProfile model")
def get_host_profiles(self):
return self.host_profiles
def get_host_profile(self, profile_name):
for p in self.host_profiles:
if p.name == profile_name:
return p
raise DesignError("HostProfile %s not found in design state"
% profile_name)
def add_hardware_profile(self, new_hardware_profile):
if (new_hardware_profile is None or
not isinstance(new_hardware_profile, hwprofile.HardwareProfile)):
raise DesignError("Invalid HardwareProfile model")
def get_hardware_profiles(self):
return self.hardware_profiles
def get_hardware_profile(self, profile_name):
for p in self.hardware_profiles:
if p.name == profile_name:
return p
raise DesignError("HardwareProfile %s not found in design state"
% profile_name)
def add_baremetal_node(self, new_baremetal_node):
if (new_baremetal_node is None or
not isinstance(new_baremetal_node, node.BaremetalNode)):
raise DesignError("Invalid BaremetalNode model")
def get_baremetal_nodes(self):
return self.baremetal_nodes
def get_baremetal_node(self, node_name):
for n in self.baremetal_nodes:
if n.name == node_name:
return n
raise DesignError("BaremetalNode %s not found in design state"
% node_name)
class SiteBuild(SiteDesign):
def __init__(self, build_id=None):
super(SiteBuild, self).__init__()
if build_id is None:
self.build_id = datetime.datetime.now(timezone.utc).timestamp()
self.build_id = build_id
def get_filtered_nodes(self, node_filter):
effective_nodes = self.get_baremetal_nodes()
# filter by rack
rack_filter = node_filter.get('rackname', None)
if rack_filter is not None:
rack_list = rack_filter.split(',')
effective_nodes = [x
for x in effective_nodes
if x.get_rack() in rack_list]
# filter by name
name_filter = node_filter.get('nodename', None)
if name_filter is not None:
name_list = name_filter.split(',')
effective_nodes = [x
for x in effective_nodes
if x.get_name() in name_list]
# filter by tag
tag_filter = node_filter.get('tags', None)
if tag_filter is not None:
tag_list = tag_filter.split(',')
effective_nodes = [x
for x in effective_nodes
for t in tag_list
if x.has_tag(t)]
return effective_nodes
Support filtering on rack name, node name or node tag
for now. Each filter can be a comma-delimited list of
values. The final result is an intersection of all the
def set_nodes_status(self, node_filter, status):
target_nodes = self.get_filtered_nodes(node_filter)
for n in target_nodes: