--- apiVersion: 'drydock/v1' kind: HardwareProfile metadata: name: HPGen9v3 region: sitename date: 17-FEB-2017 author: Scott Hussey spec: # Vendor of the server chassis vendor: HP # Generation of the chassis model generation: '8' # Version of the chassis model within its generation - not version of the hardware definition hw_version: '3' # The certified version of the chassis BIOS bios_version: '2.2.3' # Mode of the default boot of hardware - bios, uefi boot_mode: bios # Protocol of boot of the hardware - pxe, usb, hdd bootstrap_protocol: pxe # Which interface to use for network booting within the OOB manager, not OS device pxe_interface: 0 # Map hardware addresses to aliases/roles to allow a mix of hardware configs # in a site to result in a consistent configuration device_aliases: prim_nic01: address: '0000:00:03.0' # type could identify expected hardware - used for hardware manifest validation dev_type: '82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller' bus_type: 'pci' prim_nic02: address: '0000:00:04.0' dev_type: '82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller' bus_type: 'pci' primary_boot: address: '2:0.0.0' dev_type: 'VBOX HARDDISK' bus_type: 'scsi' ...