# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """API model for MaaS node storage partition resource.""" import uuid from . import base as model_base import drydock_provisioner.error as errors class Partition(model_base.ResourceBase): resource_url = 'nodes/{system_id}/blockdevices/{device_id}/partition/{resource_id}' fields = [ 'resource_id', 'system_id', 'device_id', 'name', 'path', 'size', 'type', 'uuid', 'filesystem', 'bootable', ] json_fields = [ 'size', 'uuid', 'bootable', ] """Filesystem dictionary fields: mount_point: the mount point on the system directory hierarchy fstype: The filesystem format, defaults to ext4 mount_options: The mount options specified in /etc/fstab, defaults to 'defaults' label: The filesystem lab uuid: The filesystem uuid """ def __init__(self, api_client, **kwargs): super().__init__(api_client, **kwargs) def format(self, fstype='ext4', uuid_str=None, fs_label=None): """Format this partition with a filesystem. :param fstype: String of the filesystem format to use, defaults to ext4 :param uuid: String of the UUID to assign to the filesystem. One will be generated if this is left as None """ try: data = {'fstype': fstype} if uuid_str: data['uuid'] = str(uuid_str) else: data['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) if fs_label is not None: data['label'] = fs_label url = self.interpolate_url() self.logger.debug( "Formatting device %s on node %s as filesystem: %s" % (self.name, self.system_id, data)) resp = self.api_client.post(url, op='format', files=data) if not resp.ok: raise Exception("MAAS error: %s - %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) self.refresh() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error: format of device %s on node %s failed: %s" \ % (self.name, self.system_id, str(ex)) self.logger.error(msg) raise errors.DriverError(msg) def unformat(self): """Unformat this block device. Will attempt to unmount the device first. """ try: self.refresh() if self.filesystem is None: self.logger.debug( "Device %s not currently formatted, skipping unformat." % (self.name)) return if self.filesystem.get('mount_pount', None) is not None: self.unmount() url = self.interpolate_url() self.logger.debug("Unformatting device %s on node %s" % (self.name, self.system_id)) resp = self.api_client.post(url, op='unformat') if not resp.ok: raise Exception("MAAS error: %s - %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) self.refresh() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error: unformat of device %s on node %s failed: %s" \ % (self.name, self.system_id, str(ex)) self.logger.error(msg) raise errors.DriverError(msg) def mount(self, mount_point=None, mount_options='defaults'): """Mount this block device with a filesystem. :param mount_point: The mountpoint on the system :param mount_options: fstab style mount options, defaults to 'defaults' """ try: if mount_point is None: raise errors.DriverError( "Cannot mount a block device on an empty mount point.") data = {'mount_point': mount_point, 'mount_options': mount_options} url = self.interpolate_url() self.logger.debug( "Mounting device %s on node %s at mount point %s" % (self.resource_id, self.system_id, mount_point)) resp = self.api_client.post(url, op='mount', files=data) if not resp.ok: raise Exception("MAAS error: %s - %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) self.refresh() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error: mount of device %s on node %s failed: %s" \ % (self.name, self.system_id, str(ex)) self.logger.error(msg) raise errors.DriverError(msg) def unmount(self): """Unmount this block device.""" try: self.refresh() if self.filesystem is None or self.filesystem.get( 'mount_point', None) is None: self.logger.debug( "Device %s not currently mounted, skipping unmount." % (self.name)) url = self.interpolate_url() self.logger.debug("Unmounting device %s on node %s" % (self.name, self.system_id)) resp = self.api_client.post(url, op='unmount') if not resp.ok: raise Exception("MAAS error: %s - %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) self.refresh() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error: unmount of device %s on node %s failed: %s" \ % (self.name, self.system_id, str(ex)) self.logger.error(msg) raise errors.DriverError(msg) def set_bootable(self): """Set this disk as the system bootdisk.""" try: url = self.interpolate_url() self.logger.debug("Setting device %s on node %s as bootable." % (self.resource_id, self.system_id)) resp = self.api_client.post(url, op='set_boot_disk') if not resp.ok: raise Exception("MAAS error: %s - %s" % (resp.status_code, resp.text)) self.refresh() except Exception as ex: msg = "Error: setting device %s on node %s to boot failed: %s" \ % (self.name, self.system_id, str(ex)) self.logger.error(msg) raise errors.DriverError(msg) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, api_client, obj_dict): """Instantiate this model from a dictionary. Because MaaS decides to replace the resource ids with the representation of the resource, we must reverse it for a true representation of the block device """ refined_dict = {k: obj_dict.get(k, None) for k in cls.fields} if 'id' in obj_dict.keys(): refined_dict['resource_id'] = obj_dict.get('id') i = cls(api_client, **refined_dict) return i class Partitions(model_base.ResourceCollectionBase): collection_url = 'nodes/{system_id}/blockdevices/{device_id}/partitions/' collection_resource = Partition def __init__(self, api_client, **kwargs): super().__init__(api_client) self.system_id = kwargs.get('system_id', None) self.device_id = kwargs.get('device_id', None)