# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import falcon import json import uuid import logging import drydock_provisioner.policy as policy import drydock_provisioner.objects as hd_objects import drydock_provisioner.error as errors from .base import StatefulResource class DesignsResource(StatefulResource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(DesignsResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) @policy.ApiEnforcer('physical_provisioner:read_data') def on_get(self, req, resp): ctx = req.context state = self.state_manager try: designs = list(state.designs.keys()) resp.body = json.dumps(designs) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 except Exception as ex: self.error(req.context, "Exception raised: %s" % str(ex)) self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_500, message="Error accessing design list", retry=True) @policy.ApiEnforcer('physical_provisioner:ingest_data') def on_post(self, req, resp): ctx = req.context try: json_data = self.req_json(req) design = None if json_data is not None: base_design = json_data.get('base_design_id', None) if base_design is not None: base_design = uuid.UUID(base_design) design = hd_objects.SiteDesign(base_design_id=base_design_uuid) else: design = hd_objects.SiteDesign() design.assign_id() design.create(req.context, self.state_manager) resp.body = json.dumps(design.obj_to_simple()) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201 except errors.StateError as stex: self.error(req.context, "Error updating persistence") self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_500, message="Error updating persistence", retry=True) except errors.InvalidFormat as fex: self.error(req.context, str(fex)) self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_400, message=str(fex), retry=False) class DesignResource(StatefulResource): def __init__(self, orchestrator=None, **kwargs): super(DesignResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.authorized_roles = ['user'] self.orchestrator = orchestrator @policy.ApiEnforcer('physical_provisioner:read_data') def on_get(self, req, resp, design_id): source = req.params.get('source', 'designed') ctx = req.context try: design = None if source == 'compiled': design = self.orchestrator.get_effective_site(design_id) elif source == 'designed': design = self.orchestrator.get_described_site(design_id) resp.body = json.dumps(design.obj_to_simple()) except errors.DesignError: self.error(req.context, "Design %s not found" % design_id) self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_404, message="Design %s not found" % design_id, retry=False) class DesignsPartsResource(StatefulResource): def __init__(self, ingester=None, **kwargs): super(DesignsPartsResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.ingester = ingester self.authorized_roles = ['user'] if ingester is None: self.error(None, "DesignsPartsResource requires a configured Ingester instance") raise ValueError("DesignsPartsResource requires a configured Ingester instance") @policy.ApiEnforcer('physical_provisioner:ingest_data') def on_post(self, req, resp, design_id): ingester_name = req.params.get('ingester', None) if ingester_name is None: self.error(None, "DesignsPartsResource POST requires parameter 'ingester'") self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_400, message="POST requires parameter 'ingester'", retry=False) else: try: raw_body = req.stream.read(req.content_length or 0) if raw_body is not None and len(raw_body) > 0: parsed_items = self.ingester.ingest_data(plugin_name=ingester_name, design_state=self.state_manager, content=raw_body, design_id=design_id, context=req.context) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201 resp.body = json.dumps([x.obj_to_simple() for x in parsed_items]) else: self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_400, message="Empty body not supported", retry=False) except ValueError: self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_500, message="Error processing input", retry=False) except LookupError: self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_400, message="Ingester %s not registered" % ingester_name, retry=False) @policy.ApiEnforcer('physical_provisioner:ingest_data') def on_get(self, req, resp, design_id): try: design = self.state_manager.get_design(design_id) except DesignError: self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_404, message="Design %s nout found" % design_id, retry=False) part_catalog = [] site = design.get_site() part_catalog.append({'kind': 'Region', 'key': site.get_id()}) part_catalog.extend([{'kind': 'Network', 'key': n.get_id()} for n in design.networks]) part_catalog.extend([{'kind': 'NetworkLink', 'key': l.get_id()} for l in design.network_links]) part_catalog.extend([{'kind': 'HostProfile', 'key': p.get_id()} for p in design.host_profiles]) part_catalog.extend([{'kind': 'HardwareProfile', 'key': p.get_id()} for p in design.hardware_profiles]) part_catalog.extend([{'kind': 'BaremetalNode', 'key': n.get_id()} for n in design.baremetal_nodes]) resp.body = json.dumps(part_catalog) resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 return class DesignsPartsKindsResource(StatefulResource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(DesignsPartsKindsResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.authorized_roles = ['user'] @policy.ApiEnforcer('physical_provisioner:read_data') def on_get(self, req, resp, design_id, kind): ctx = req.context resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 class DesignsPartResource(StatefulResource): def __init__(self, orchestrator=None, **kwargs): super(DesignsPartResource, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.authorized_roles = ['user'] self.orchestrator = orchestrator @policy.ApiEnforcer('physical_provisioner:read_data') def on_get(self, req , resp, design_id, kind, name): ctx = req.context source = req.params.get('source', 'designed') try: design = None if source == 'compiled': design = self.orchestrator.get_effective_site(design_id) elif source == 'designed': design = self.orchestrator.get_described_site(design_id) part = None if kind == 'Site': part = design.get_site() elif kind == 'Network': part = design.get_network(name) elif kind == 'NetworkLink': part = design.get_network_link(name) elif kind == 'HardwareProfile': part = design.get_hardware_profile(name) elif kind == 'HostProfile': part = design.get_host_profile(name) elif kind == 'BaremetalNode': part = design.get_baremetal_node(name) else: self.error(req.context, "Kind %s unknown" % kind) self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_404, message="Kind %s unknown" % kind, retry=False) return resp.body = json.dumps(part.obj_to_simple()) except errors.DesignError as dex: self.error(req.context, str(dex)) self.return_error(resp, falcon.HTTP_404, message=str(dex), retry=False) except Exception as exc: self.error(req.context, str(exc)) self.return_error(resp. falcon.HTTP_500, message=str(exc), retry=False)