#!/bin/bash {{/* # Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. */}} {{- $exec_loop_sleep_interval := 60 }} set -e cat <<'UNIQUE_EOF_9c341059-25a0-4725-9489-1789e255e381' > {{ .Values.conf.chroot_mnt_path | quote }}/tmp/exec_host_{{ .Chart.Version }}.sh {{ include "divingbell.shcommon" . }} exec_path='/var/divingbell/exec' if [ ! -d "${exec_path}" ]; then mkdir -p "${exec_path}" fi write_test "${exec_path}" cd "${exec_path}" {{- if hasKey .Values.conf "exec" }} {{- $sorted_keys := keys $.Values.conf.exec | sortAlpha }} {{- range $index, $script := $sorted_keys }} {{- $keypath := index $.Values.conf.exec $script }} {{/* Need to sort key/values before assessing hash, since helm only preserves order for lists */}} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__values_hash" list }} {{- range $i, $k := ($keypath | keys | sortAlpha) }} {{/* env is the only nested dict, so the same operation needs to be repeated there lacking helm recursion */}} {{- if eq $k "env" }} {{- range $i2, $k2 := ($keypath.env | keys | sortAlpha) }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__values_hash" (append $.Values.__values_hash (print $.Values.__values_hash ";" ($k | toString) ":" ($k2 | toString) ":" (index $keypath.env $k2 | toString))) }} {{- end }} {{- else }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__values_hash" (append $.Values.__values_hash (print $.Values.__values_hash ";" ($k | toString) ":" (index $keypath $k | toString))) }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- $hash := $.Values.__values_hash | toString | sha256sum }} hash={{ $hash | squote }} if [ ! -d "${hash}" ]; then mkdir -p "${hash}" fi {{- $_ := set $.Values "__rerun_policy" "always" }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "rerun_policy" }} {{- if and (not (eq $keypath.rerun_policy "always")) (not (eq $keypath.rerun_policy "never")) (not (eq $keypath.rerun_policy "once_successfully")) }} {{- fail (print "BAD 'rerun_policy' FOR '" $script "': Got '" $keypath.rerun_policy "', but expected 'always', 'never', or 'once_successfully'.") }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__rerun_policy" $keypath.rerun_policy }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__blocking_policy" "foreground" }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "blocking_policy" }} {{- if and (not (eq $keypath.blocking_policy "foreground")) (not (eq $keypath.blocking_policy "background")) (not (eq $keypath.blocking_policy "foreground_halt_pod_on_failure")) }} {{- fail (print "BAD 'blocking_policy' FOR '" $script "': Got '" $keypath.blocking_policy "', but expected 'foreground', 'background', or 'foreground_halt_pod_on_failure'.") }} {{- end }} {{- if eq $keypath.blocking_policy "background" }} {{- fail (print "NOT IMPLEMENTED: 'blocking_policy' FOR '" $script "'") }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__blocking_policy" $keypath.blocking_policy }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__timeout" 1800 }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "timeout" }} {{- if eq ($keypath.timeout | toString) "infinite" }} {{- fail (print "BAD 'timeout' FOR '" $script "': 'infinite' timeouts not supported.") }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__timeout" $keypath.timeout }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__rerun_interval" "infinite" }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "rerun_interval" }} {{- if not (eq ($keypath.rerun_interval | toString) "infinity") }} {{- if lt ($keypath.rerun_interval | int) $exec_loop_sleep_interval }} {{- fail (print "BAD 'rerun_interval' FOR '" $script "': Got '" $keypath.rerun_interval "', but expected >= '" $exec_loop_sleep_interval "'.") }} {{- end }} {{- if not (eq $.Values.__rerun_policy "always") }} {{- fail (print "BAD COMBINATION: Must use 'rerun_policy' of 'always' when defining a finite 'rerun_interval'. Got 'rerun_policy' of '" $.Values.__rerun_policy "' and 'rerun_interval' of '" $keypath.rerun_interval "' for '" $script "'.") }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__rerun_interval" $keypath.rerun_interval }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__rerun_interval_persist" "true" }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "rerun_interval_persist" }} {{- fail (print "NOT IMPLEMENTED: 'rerun_interval_persist' FOR '" $script "'") }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__rerun_interval_persist" $keypath.rerun_interval_persist }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__rerun_max_count" "infinite" }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "rerun_max_count" }} {{- fail (print "NOT IMPLEMENTED: 'rerun_max_count' FOR '" $script "'") }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__rerun_max_count" $keypath.rerun_max_count }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__retry_interval" (print $.Values.__rerun_interval) }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "retry_interval" }} {{- if not (eq ($keypath.retry_interval | toString) "infinity") }} {{- if lt ($keypath.retry_interval | int) $exec_loop_sleep_interval }} {{- fail (print "BAD 'retry_interval' FOR '" $script "': Got '" $keypath.retry_interval "', but expected >= '" $exec_loop_sleep_interval "'.") }} {{- end }} {{- if and (not (eq $.Values.__rerun_policy "always")) (not (eq $.Values.__rerun_policy "once_successfully")) }} {{- fail (print "BAD COMBINATION: Must use 'rerun_policy' of 'always' or 'once_successfully' when defining a finite 'retry_interval'. Got 'rerun_policy' of '" $.Values.__rerun_policy "' and 'retry_interval' of '" $keypath.retry_interval "' for '" $script "'.") }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__retry_interval" $keypath.retry_interval }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__retry_interval_persist" "true" }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "retry_interval_persist" }} {{- fail (print "NOT IMPLEMENTED: 'retry_interval_persist' FOR '" $script "'") }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__retry_interval_persist" $keypath.retry_interval_persist }} {{- end }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__retry_max_count" "infinite" }} {{- if hasKey $keypath "retry_max_count" }} {{- fail (print "NOT IMPLEMENTED: 'retry_max_count' FOR '" $script "'") }} {{- $_ := set $.Values "__retry_max_count" $keypath.retry_max_count }} {{- end }} cat <<'UNIQUE_EOF_1840dbd4-09e1-4725-87f5-3b6944b80526' > {{ $script }} {{ $keypath.data }} UNIQUE_EOF_1840dbd4-09e1-4725-87f5-3b6944b80526 chmod 700 {{ $script }} # check rerun policy hash_check=fail if [[ {{ $.Values.__rerun_policy }} = always ]] || \ [[ ! -f ${hash}/exit_code ]] || \ ([[ {{ $.Values.__rerun_policy }} = once_successfully ]] && \ [[ $(cat ${hash}/exit_code) != 0 ]]); then hash_check=pass fi # check rerun/retry interval interval_check=fail if [[ ! -f ${hash}/last_run_timestamp ]] || [[ ! -f ${hash}/exit_code ]]; then interval_check=pass elif [[ $(cat ${hash}/exit_code) = 0 ]]; then if [[ {{ $.Values.__rerun_interval }} = infinite ]]; then interval_check=pass elif [[ $(date +"%s") -ge $(($(cat ${hash}/last_run_timestamp) + {{ $.Values.__rerun_interval }})) ]]; then interval_check=pass fi elif [[ $(cat ${hash}/exit_code) != 0 ]]; then if [[ {{ $.Values.__retry_interval }} = infinite ]]; then interval_check=pass elif [[ $(date +"%s") -ge $(($(cat ${hash}/last_run_timestamp) + {{ $.Values.__retry_interval }})) ]]; then interval_check=pass fi fi if [[ $hash_check = pass ]] && [[ $interval_check = pass ]]; then if [[ -f ${hash}/exit_code ]]; then # remove previous run record, in case this run is interrupted rm ${hash}/exit_code fi # write timestamp at beginning of execution echo $(date +"%s") > "${hash}/last_run_timestamp" {{- if hasKey $keypath "env" }} {{- range $env_key, $env_val := $keypath.env }} {{ $env_key }}={{ $env_val | squote }} \ {{- end }} {{- end }} ./{{ $script | squote }} \ {{- if hasKey $keypath "args" }} {{- range $arg := $keypath.args }} {{ $arg | squote }} \ {{- end }} {{- end }} & pid=$! time_waited=0 sleep_interval=5 timeout={{ $.Values.__timeout }} while true; do if [[ $time_waited -ge $timeout ]]; then log.ERROR "Hit '$timeout' second timeout waiting for '{{ $script }}' - terminating." # ask nicely first kill $pid sleep 10 # force kill if still running ps $pid > /dev/null && kill -9 $pid break fi ps $pid > /dev/null || break sleep $sleep_interval time_waited=$(($time_waited + $sleep_interval)) done wait $pid && echo 0 > "${hash}/exit_code" || echo $? > "${hash}/exit_code" {{- if hasKey $keypath "blocking_policy" }} {{- if eq $keypath.blocking_policy "foreground_halt_pod_on_failure" }} if [[ $(cat "${hash}/exit_code") != '0' ]]; then die "Killing pod due to non-zero exit code from '{{ $script }}'." fi {{- end }} {{- end }} fi {{- end }} {{- end }} log.INFO 'Putting the daemon to sleep for {{ $exec_loop_sleep_interval }} seconds.' UNIQUE_EOF_9c341059-25a0-4725-9489-1789e255e381 chmod 700 {{ .Values.conf.chroot_mnt_path | quote }}/tmp/exec_host_{{ .Chart.Version }}.sh while true; do nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i -p /tmp/exec_host_{{ .Chart.Version }}.sh sleep {{ $exec_loop_sleep_interval }} done