#!/bin/bash {{/* # Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. */}} set -e cat <<'EOF' > {{ .Values.conf.chroot_mnt_path | quote }}/tmp/sysctl_host.sh {{ include "divingbell.shcommon" . }} # TODO: Make prefix configurable to control param loading order fname_prefix='60-divingbell-' defaults_path='/var/divingbell/sysctl' persist_path='/etc/sysctl.d' reload_system_configs=false if [ ! -d "${defaults_path}" ]; then mkdir -p "${defaults_path}" fi write_test "${defaults_path}" write_test "${persist_path}" add_sysctl_param(){ local user_key="${1}" die_if_null "${user_key}" ", 'user_key' not supplied to function" local user_val="${2}" die_if_null "${user_val}" ", 'user_val' not supplied to function" # Try reading the current sysctl tunable param / value # If sysctl cannot find the specified tunable, script will exit here local system_key_val_pair system_key_val_pair="$(sysctl $user_key)" # For further operation, use the tunable name returned by sysctl above, # rather than the one specified by the user. # sysctl gives a consistently formatted tunable (e.g., net.ipv4.ip_forward) # regardless of input format (e.g., net/ipv4/ip_forward). local system_key system_key="$(echo ${system_key_val_pair} | cut -d'=' -f1 | tr -d '[:space:]')" [ -n "${system_key}" ] || die 'Null variable exception' # Store current kernel sysctl default in the event we need to restore later # But only if it is the first time we are changing the tunable, # to capture the orignal value. local system_val system_val="$(echo ${system_key_val_pair} | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]')" [ -n "${system_val}" ] || die 'Null variable exception' local orig_val="${defaults_path}/${fname_prefix}${system_key}.conf" if [ ! -f "${orig_val}" ]; then echo "${system_key_val_pair}" > "${orig_val}" fi # Apply new setting. If an invalid value were provided, sysctl would choke # here, before making the change persistent. if [ "${user_val}" != "${system_val}" ]; then sysctl -w "${system_key}=${user_val}" fi # Persist the new setting file_content="${system_key}=${user_val}" file_path="${persist_path}/${fname_prefix}${system_key}.conf" if [ -f "${file_path}" ] && [ "$(cat ${file_path})" != "${file_content}" ] || [ ! -f "${file_path}" ] then echo "${file_content}" > "${file_path}" reload_system_configs=true log.INFO "Sysctl setting applied: ${system_key}=${user_val}" else log.INFO "No changes made to sysctl param: ${system_key}=${user_val}" fi curr_settings="${curr_settings}${fname_prefix}${system_key}.conf"$'\n' } {{- range $key, $value := .Values.conf.sysctl }} add_sysctl_param {{ $key | quote }} {{ $value | quote }} {{- end }} # Revert any previously applied sysctl settings which are now absent prev_files="$(find "${defaults_path}" -type f)" if [ -n "${prev_files}" ]; then basename -a ${prev_files} | sort > /tmp/prev_settings echo "${curr_settings}" | sort > /tmp/curr_settings revert_list="$(comm -23 /tmp/prev_settings /tmp/curr_settings)" IFS=$'\n' for orig_sysctl_setting in ${revert_list}; do rm "${persist_path}/${orig_sysctl_setting}" sysctl -p "${defaults_path}/${orig_sysctl_setting}" rm "${defaults_path}/${orig_sysctl_setting}" reload_system_configs=true log.INFO "Reverted sysctl setting:" \ "$(cat "${defaults_path}/${orig_sysctl_setting}")" done fi # Final validation of sysctl settings written to /etc/sysctl.d # Also allows for nice play with other automation (or manual) systems that # may have separate overrides for reverted tunables. if [ "${reload_system_configs}" = "true" ]; then sysctl --system fi if [ -n "${curr_settings}" ]; then log.INFO 'All sysctl configuration successfully validated on this node.' else log.WARN 'No syctl overrides defined for this node.' fi exit 0 EOF chmod 755 {{ .Values.conf.chroot_mnt_path | quote }}/tmp/sysctl_host.sh chroot {{ .Values.conf.chroot_mnt_path | quote }} /tmp/sysctl_host.sh sleep 1 echo 'INFO Putting the daemon to sleep.' while [ 1 ]; do sleep 300 done exit 0