# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. {{- $daemonsets := list "sysctl" "mounts" "ethtool" }} {{- $envAll := . }} {{- range $daemonset := $daemonsets }} {{- $daemonset_root_name := printf (print $.Chart.Name "-" $daemonset) }} {{- set $.Values "__daemonset_list" list }} {{- set $.Values "__default" dict }} {{- if hasKey $.Values.conf "overrides" }} {{- range $key, $val := $.Values.conf.overrides }} {{- if eq $key $daemonset_root_name }} {{- range $type, $type_data := . }} {{- if eq $type "hosts" }} {{- range $host_data := . }} # dictionary that will contain all info needed to generate this # iteration of the daemonset {{- $current_dict := dict }} # generate daemonset name {{- $name := printf (print $daemonset_root_name "-" $host_data.name) }} {{- set $current_dict "name" $name }} # apply overrides {{- $override_conf_copy := $host_data.conf }} # Omit overrides because they are not needed, and # because it causes a stack overflow during compilation {{- $root_conf_copy := omit $.Values.conf "overrides" }} {{- $merged_dict := merge $override_conf_copy $root_conf_copy }} {{- set $current_dict "nodeData" $merged_dict }} # Schedule to this host explicitly. {{- $nodeSelector_dict := dict }} {{- set $nodeSelector_dict "key" "kubernetes.io/hostname" }} {{- set $nodeSelector_dict "operator" "In" }} {{- $values_list := list $host_data.name }} {{- set $nodeSelector_dict "values" $values_list }} {{- $list_aggregate := list $nodeSelector_dict }} {{- set $current_dict "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }} # store completed daemonset entry/info into global list {{- $list_aggregate := append $.Values.__daemonset_list $current_dict }} {{- set $.Values "__daemonset_list" $list_aggregate }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if eq $type "labels" }} {{- range $label_data := . }} # dictionary that will contain all info needed to generate this # iteration of the daemonset. {{- set $.Values "__current_label" dict }} # generate daemonset name {{- $name := printf (print $daemonset_root_name "-" $label_data.label.key) }} {{- set $.Values.__current_label "name" $name }} # apply overrides {{- $override_conf_copy := $label_data.conf }} # Omit overrides because they are not needed, and # because it causes a stack overflow during compilation {{- $root_conf_copy := omit $.Values.conf "overrides" }} {{- $merged_dict := merge $override_conf_copy $root_conf_copy }} {{- set $.Values.__current_label "nodeData" $merged_dict }} # Schedule to the provided label value(s) {{- $label_dict := omit $label_data.label "NULL" }} {{- set $label_dict "operator" "In" }} {{- $list_aggregate := list $label_dict }} {{- set $.Values.__current_label "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }} # Do not schedule to any other specified labels {{- $other_labels := without $type_data $label_data }} {{- range $label_data2 := $other_labels }} {{- $label_dict := omit $label_data2.label "NULL" }} {{- set $label_dict "operator" "NotIn" }} {{- $list_aggregate := append $.Values.__current_label.matchExpressions $label_dict }} {{- set $.Values.__current_label "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }} {{- end }} # Do not schedule to any other specified hosts {{- range $type, $type_data := $val }} {{- if eq $type "hosts" }} {{- range $host_data := . }} {{- $label_dict := dict }} {{- set $label_dict "key" "kubernetes.io/hostname" }} {{- set $label_dict "operator" "NotIn" }} {{- $values_list := list $host_data.name }} {{- set $label_dict "values" $values_list }} {{- $list_aggregate := append $.Values.__current_label.matchExpressions $label_dict }} {{- set $.Values.__current_label "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} # store completed daemonset entry/info into global list {{- $list_aggregate := append $.Values.__daemonset_list $.Values.__current_label }} {{- set $.Values "__daemonset_list" $list_aggregate }} {{- unset $.Values "__current_label" }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} # scheduler exceptions for the default daemonset {{- set $.Values.__default "matchExpressions" list }} {{- range $type, $type_data := . }} # Do not schedule to other specified labels {{- if eq $type "labels" }} {{- range $label_data := . }} {{- $default_dict := omit $label_data.label "NULL" }} {{- set $default_dict "operator" "NotIn" }} {{- $list_aggregate := append $.Values.__default.matchExpressions $default_dict }} {{- set $.Values.__default "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }} {{- end }} {{- end }} # Do not schedule to other specified hosts {{- if eq $type "hosts" }} {{- range $host_data := . }} {{- $default_dict := dict }} {{- set $default_dict "key" "kubernetes.io/hostname" }} {{- set $default_dict "operator" "NotIn" }} {{- $values_list := list $host_data.name }} {{- set $default_dict "values" $values_list }} {{- $list_aggregate := append $.Values.__default.matchExpressions $default_dict }} {{- set $.Values.__default "matchExpressions" $list_aggregate }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} # generate the default daemonset # name {{- $name := printf (print $daemonset_root_name "-default") }} {{- set $.Values.__default "name" $name }} # use values.conf as-is, minus overrides {{- $root_conf_copy := omit $.Values.conf "overrides" }} {{- set $.Values.__default "nodeData" $root_conf_copy }} # add to global list {{- $list_aggregate := append $.Values.__daemonset_list $.Values.__default }} {{- set $.Values "__daemonset_list" $list_aggregate }} {{- unset $.Values "__default" }} {{- range $current_dict := $.Values.__daemonset_list }} {{- $template_location := printf (print "bin/_" $daemonset ".sh.tpl") | toString -}} # referenced by helm toolkit {{- set $current_dict.nodeData "Template" dict -}} {{- set $current_dict.nodeData.Template "Name" $.Template.Name }} # name needs to be a DNS-1123 compliant name # generate a uuid since the version of sprig packaged with helm 2.5.1 does # not contain regex* functions. As a result we wont use $current_dict.name {{- $dns_1123_name := printf (print $.Chart.Name "-" $daemonset "-" uuidv4) | lower }} --- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: {{ $dns_1123_name }} spec: template: metadata: labels: {{ list $envAll $.Chart.Name $daemonset | include "helm-toolkit.snippets.kubernetes_metadata_labels" | indent 8 }} annotations: values-hash: {{ list $current_dict.nodeData . | quote | sha256sum }} spec: {{- if hasKey $current_dict "matchExpressions" }} affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: {{- range $matchExpression := $current_dict.matchExpressions }} - key: {{ $matchExpression.key }} operator: {{ $matchExpression.operator }} values: {{- range $schedule_val := $matchExpression.values }} - {{ $schedule_val | quote }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} hostNetwork: true hostPID: true hostIPC: true containers: - name: {{ $dns_1123_name }} image: {{ $.Values.images.divingbell }} imagePullPolicy: {{ $.Values.images.pull_policy }} command: - /tmp/{{ $daemonset }}.sh volumeMounts: - name: rootfs-{{ $daemonset }} mountPath: {{ $.Values.conf.chroot_mnt_path }} - name: {{ $dns_1123_name }} mountPath: /tmp/{{ $daemonset }}.sh subPath: {{ $daemonset }} readOnly: true securityContext: privileged: true volumes: - name: rootfs-{{ $daemonset }} hostPath: path: / - name: {{ $dns_1123_name }} configMap: name: {{ $dns_1123_name }} defaultMode: 0555 --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ $dns_1123_name }} data: {{ $daemonset }}: |+ {{- tuple $current_dict.nodeData $template_location $current_dict.nodeData | include "helm-toolkit.utils.configmap_templater" | indent 4 }} {{- end -}} {{- unset $.Values "__daemonset_list" -}} {{- end -}}