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# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Defines interface for DB access."""
import ast
import copy
import functools
import threading
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_db import exception as db_exception
from oslo_db import options
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import session
from oslo_log import log as logging
import six
import sqlalchemy.orm as sa_orm
from deckhand.db.sqlalchemy import models
from deckhand import errors
from deckhand import types
from deckhand import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_FACADE = None
_LOCK = threading.Lock()
def _retry_on_deadlock(exc):
"""Decorator to retry a DB API call if Deadlock was received."""
if isinstance(exc, db_exception.DBDeadlock):
LOG.warn("Deadlock detected. Retrying...")
return True
return False
def _create_facade_lazily():
global _LOCK, _FACADE
if _FACADE is None:
with _LOCK:
if _FACADE is None:
_FACADE = session.EngineFacade.from_config(
CONF, sqlite_fk=True)
return _FACADE
def get_engine():
facade = _create_facade_lazily()
return facade.get_engine()
def get_session(autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=False):
facade = _create_facade_lazily()
return facade.get_session(autocommit=autocommit,
def clear_db_env():
"""Unset global configuration variables for database."""
global _FACADE
_FACADE = None
def drop_db():
def setup_db():
# Ensure the DB doesn't exist before creation.
def documents_create(bucket_name, documents, session=None):
"""Create a set of documents and associated bucket.
If no changes are detected, a new revision will not be created. This
allows services to periodically re-register their schemas without
creating unnecessary revisions.
:param bucket_name: The name of the bucket with which to associate created
:param documents: List of documents to be created.
:param validation_policies: List of validation policies to be created.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: List of created documents in dictionary format.
:raises DocumentExists: If the (document.schema,
already exists in another bucket.
session = session or get_session()
documents_to_create = _documents_create(bucket_name, documents, session)
resp = []
# The documents to be deleted are computed by comparing the documents for
# the previous revision (if it exists) that belong to `bucket_name` with
# `documents`: the difference between the former and the latter.
document_history = [(d['schema'], d['name'])
for d in revision_get_documents(
documents_to_delete = [
h for h in document_history if h not in
[(d['schema'], d['metadata']['name']) for d in documents]]
# Only create a revision if any docs have been created, changed or deleted.
if any([documents_to_create, documents_to_delete]):
bucket = bucket_get_or_create(bucket_name)
revision = revision_create()
if documents_to_delete:
LOG.debug('Deleting documents: %s.', documents_to_delete)
deleted_documents = []
for d in documents_to_delete:
doc = models.Document()
with session.begin():
# Store bare minimum information about the document.
doc['schema'] = d[0]
doc['name'] = d[1]
doc['data'] = {}
doc['_metadata'] = {}
doc['bucket_id'] = bucket['name']
doc['revision_id'] = revision['id']
# Save and mark the document as `deleted` in the database.
resp.extend([d.to_dict() for d in deleted_documents])
if documents_to_create:
LOG.debug('Creating documents: %s.',
[(d['schema'], d['name']) for d in documents_to_create])
for doc in documents_to_create:
with session.begin():
doc['bucket_id'] = bucket['name']
doc['revision_id'] = revision['id']
# NOTE(fmontei): The orig_revision_id is not copied into the
# revision_id for each created document, because the revision_id here
# should reference the just-created revision. In case the user needs
# the original revision_id, that is returned as well.
resp.extend([d.to_dict() for d in documents_to_create])
return resp
def _documents_create(bucket_name, values_list, session=None):
values_list = copy.deepcopy(values_list)
session = session or get_session()
filters = ('name', 'schema')
changed_documents = []
def _document_changed(existing_document):
# The document has changed if at least one value in ``values`` differs.
for key, val in values.items():
if val != existing_document[key]:
return True
return False
def _document_create(values):
document = models.Document()
with session.begin():
return document
for values in values_list:
values['_metadata'] = values.pop('metadata')
values['name'] = values['_metadata']['name']
values['is_secret'] = 'secret' in values['data']
existing_document = document_get(
raw_dict=True, **{x: values[x] for x in filters})
except errors.DocumentNotFound:
# Ignore bad data at this point. Allow creation to bubble up the
# error related to bad data.
existing_document = None
if existing_document:
# If the document already exists in another bucket, raise an error.
# Ignore redundant validation policies as they are allowed to exist
# in multiple buckets.
if (existing_document['bucket_id'] != bucket_name and
existing_document['schema'] != types.VALIDATION_POLICY_SCHEMA):
raise errors.DocumentExists(
if not _document_changed(existing_document):
# Since the document has not changed, reference the original
# revision in which it was created. This is necessary so that
# the correct revision history is maintained.
if existing_document['orig_revision_id']:
values['orig_revision_id'] = existing_document[
values['orig_revision_id'] = existing_document[
# Create all documents, even unchanged ones, for the current revision. This
# makes the generation of the revision diff a lot easier.
for values in values_list:
doc = _document_create(values)
return changed_documents
def document_get(session=None, raw_dict=False, **filters):
"""Retrieve a document from the DB.
:param session: Database session object.
:param raw_dict: Whether to retrieve the exact way the data is stored in
DB if ``True``, else the way users expect the data.
:param filters: Dictionary attributes (including nested) used to filter
out revision documents.
:returns: Dictionary representation of retrieved document.
:raises: DocumentNotFound if the document wasn't found.
session = session or get_session()
# Retrieve the most recently created version of a document. Documents with
# the same and schema can exist across different revisions,
# so it is necessary to use `first` instead of `one` to avoid errors.
document = session.query(models.Document)\
if not document:
raise errors.DocumentNotFound(document=filters)
return document.to_dict(raw_dict=raw_dict)
def bucket_get_or_create(bucket_name, session=None):
"""Retrieve or create bucket.
Retrieve the ``Bucket`` DB object by ``bucket_name`` if it exists
or else create a new ``Bucket`` DB object by ``bucket_name``.
:param bucket_name: Unique identifier used for creating or retrieving
a bucket.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: Dictionary representation of created/retrieved bucket.
session = session or get_session()
bucket = session.query(models.Bucket)\
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
bucket = models.Bucket()
with session.begin():
bucket.update({'name': bucket_name})
return bucket.to_dict()
def revision_create(session=None):
"""Create a revision.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: Dictionary representation of created revision.
session = session or get_session()
revision = models.Revision()
with session.begin():
return revision.to_dict()
def revision_get(revision_id, session=None):
"""Return the specified `revision_id`.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: Dictionary representation of retrieved revision.
:raises: RevisionNotFound if the revision was not found.
session = session or get_session()
revision = session.query(models.Revision)\
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
raise errors.RevisionNotFound(revision=revision_id)
revision['documents'] = _update_revision_history(revision['documents'])
return revision
def require_revision_exists(f):
"""Decorator to require the specified revision to exist.
Requires the wrapped function to use revision_id as the first argument.
def wrapper(revision_id, *args, **kwargs):
return f(revision_id, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def revision_get_all(session=None):
"""Return list of all revisions.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: List of dictionary representations of retrieved revisions.
session = session or get_session()
revisions = session.query(models.Revision)\
revisions_dict = [r.to_dict() for r in revisions]
for revision in revisions_dict:
revision['documents'] = _update_revision_history(revision['documents'])
return revisions_dict
def revision_delete_all(session=None):
"""Delete all revisions.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: None
session = session or get_session()
def revision_get_documents(revision_id=None, include_history=True,
unique_only=True, session=None, **filters):
"""Return the documents that match filters for the specified `revision_id`.
:param revision_id: The ID corresponding to the ``Revision`` object. If the
ID is ``None``, then retrieve the latest revision, if one exists.
:param include_history: Return all documents for revision history prior
and up to current revision, if ``True``. Default is ``True``.
:param unique_only: Return only unique documents if ``True. Default is
:param filters: Dictionary attributes (including nested) used to filter
out revision documents.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: All revision documents for ``revision_id`` that match the
``filters``, including document revision history if applicable.
:raises: RevisionNotFound if the revision was not found.
session = session or get_session()
revision_documents = []
if revision_id:
revision = session.query(models.Revision)\
# If no revision_id is specified, grab the newest one.
revision = session.query(models.Revision)\
revision_documents = (revision.to_dict()['documents']
if revision else [])
if include_history and revision:
older_revisions = session.query(models.Revision)\
.filter(models.Revision.created_at < revision.created_at)\
# Include documents from older revisions in response body.
for older_revision in older_revisions:
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
raise errors.RevisionNotFound(revision=revision_id)
revision_documents = _update_revision_history(revision_documents)
filtered_documents = _filter_revision_documents(
revision_documents, unique_only, **filters)
return filtered_documents
def _update_revision_history(documents):
# Since documents that are unchanged across revisions need to be saved for
# each revision, we need to ensure that the original revision is shown
# for the document's `revision_id` to maintain the correct revision
# history.
for doc in documents:
if doc['orig_revision_id']:
doc['revision_id'] = doc['orig_revision_id']
return documents
def _filter_revision_documents(documents, unique_only, **filters):
"""Return the list of documents that match filters.
:param unique_only: Return only unique documents if ``True``.
:param filters: Dictionary attributes (including nested) used to filter
out revision documents.
:returns: List of documents that match specified filters.
# TODO(fmontei): Implement this as an sqlalchemy query.
filtered_documents = {}
unique_filters = [c for c in models.Document.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINTS
if c != 'revision_id']
for document in documents:
# NOTE(fmontei): Only want to include non-validation policy documents
# for this endpoint.
if document['schema'] == types.VALIDATION_POLICY_SCHEMA:
match = True
for filter_key, filter_val in filters.items():
actual_val = utils.multi_getattr(filter_key, document)
if (isinstance(actual_val, bool)
and isinstance(filter_val, six.string_types)):
filter_val = ast.literal_eval(filter_val.title())
except ValueError:
# If not True/False, set to None to avoid matching
# `actual_val` which is always boolean.
filter_val = None
if actual_val != filter_val:
match = False
if match:
# Filter out redundant documents from previous revisions, i.e.
# documents schema and are repeated.
if unique_only:
unique_key = tuple(
[document[filter] for filter in unique_filters])
unique_key = document['id']
if unique_key not in filtered_documents:
filtered_documents[unique_key] = document
return sorted(filtered_documents.values(), key=lambda d: d['created_at'])
def revision_tag_create(revision_id, tag, data=None, session=None):
"""Create a revision tag.
If a tag already exists by name ``tag``, the request is ignored.
:param revision_id: ID corresponding to ``Revision`` DB object.
:param tag: Name of the revision tag.
:param data: Dictionary of data to be associated with tag.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: The tag that was created if not already present in the database,
else None.
:raises RevisionTagBadFormat: If data is neither None nor dictionary.
session = session or get_session()
tag_model = models.RevisionTag()
assert not data or isinstance(data, dict)
except AssertionError:
raise errors.RevisionTagBadFormat(data=data)
with session.begin():
{'tag': tag, 'data': data, 'revision_id': revision_id})
resp = tag_model.to_dict()
except db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry:
resp = None
return resp
def revision_tag_get(revision_id, tag, session=None):
"""Retrieve tag details.
:param revision_id: ID corresponding to ``Revision`` DB object.
:param tag: Name of the revision tag.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: None
:raises RevisionTagNotFound: If ``tag`` for ``revision_id`` was not found.
session = session or get_session()
tag = session.query(models.RevisionTag)\
.filter_by(tag=tag, revision_id=revision_id)\
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
raise errors.RevisionTagNotFound(tag=tag, revision=revision_id)
return tag.to_dict()
def revision_tag_get_all(revision_id, session=None):
"""Return list of tags for a revision.
:param revision_id: ID corresponding to ``Revision`` DB object.
:param tag: Name of the revision tag.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: List of tags for ``revision_id``, ordered by the tag name by
session = session or get_session()
tags = session.query(models.RevisionTag)\
return [t.to_dict() for t in tags]
def revision_tag_delete(revision_id, tag, session=None):
"""Delete a specific tag for a revision.
:param revision_id: ID corresponding to ``Revision`` DB object.
:param tag: Name of the revision tag.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: None
session = session or get_session()
result = session.query(models.RevisionTag)\
.filter_by(tag=tag, revision_id=revision_id)\
if result == 0:
raise errors.RevisionTagNotFound(tag=tag, revision=revision_id)
def revision_tag_delete_all(revision_id, session=None):
"""Delete all tags for a revision.
:param revision_id: ID corresponding to ``Revision`` DB object.
:param session: Database session object.
:returns: None
session = session or get_session()