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# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ast
import copy
import re
import string
import jsonpath_ng
import six
from deckhand import errors
def to_camel_case(s):
"""Convert string to camel case."""
return (s[0].lower() + string.capwords(s, sep='_')
.replace('_', '')[1:] if s else s)
def to_snake_case(name):
"""Convert string to snake case."""
s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)
return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower()
def jsonpath_parse(data, jsonpath, match_all=False):
"""Parse value in the data for the given ``jsonpath``.
Retrieve the nested entry corresponding to ``data[jsonpath]``. For
example, a ``jsonpath`` of "" means that the data section
should conform to:
.. code-block:: yaml
baz: <data_to_be_extracted_here>
:param data: The `data` section of a document.
:param jsonpath: A multi-part key that references a nested path in
:returns: Entry that corresponds to ``data[jsonpath]`` if present,
else None.
src_name = sub['src']['name']
src_path = sub['src']['path']
src_doc = db_api.document_get(schema=src_schema, name=src_name)
src_secret = utils.jsonpath_parse(src_doc['data'], src_path)
# Do something with the extracted secret from the source document.
if jsonpath == '.':
jsonpath = '$'
elif jsonpath.startswith('.'):
jsonpath = '$' + jsonpath
p = jsonpath_ng.parse(jsonpath)
matches = p.find(data)
if matches:
result = [m.value for m in matches]
return result if match_all else result[0]
def jsonpath_replace(data, value, jsonpath, pattern=None):
"""Update value in ``data`` at the path specified by ``jsonpath``.
If the nested path corresponding to ``jsonpath`` isn't found in ``data``,
the path is created as an empty ``{}`` for each sub-path along the
:param data: The `data` section of a document.
:param value: The new value for ``data[jsonpath]``.
:param jsonpath: A multi-part key that references a nested path in
:param pattern: A regular expression pattern.
:returns: Updated value at ``data[jsonpath]``.
:raises: MissingDocumentPattern if ``pattern`` is not None and
``data[jsonpath]`` doesn't exist.
doc = {
'data': {
'some_url': http://admin:INSERT_PASSWORD_HERE@svc-name:8080/v1
secret = 'super-duper-secret'
path = '$.some_url'
pattern = 'INSERT_[A-Z]+_HERE'
replaced_data = utils.jsonpath_replace(
doc['data'], secret, path, pattern)
# The returned URL will look like:
# http://admin:super-duper-secret@svc-name:8080/v1
data = copy.copy(data)
if jsonpath == '.':
jsonpath = '$'
elif jsonpath.startswith('.'):
jsonpath = '$' + jsonpath
def _do_replace():
p = jsonpath_ng.parse(jsonpath)
p_to_change = p.find(data)
if p_to_change:
_value = value
if pattern:
to_replace = p_to_change[0].value
# `value` represents the value to inject into `to_replace` that
# matches the `pattern`.
_value = re.sub(pattern, value, to_replace)
except TypeError:
_value = None
return p.update(data, _value)
result = _do_replace()
if result:
return result
# A pattern requires us to look up the data located at data[jsonpath]
# and then figure out what re.match(data[jsonpath], pattern) is (in
# pseudocode). But raise an exception in case the path isn't present in the
# data and a pattern has been provided since it is impossible to do the
# look up.
if pattern:
raise errors.MissingDocumentPattern(
data=data, path=jsonpath, pattern=pattern)
# However, Deckhand should be smart enough to create the nested keys in the
# data if they don't exist and a pattern isn't required.
d = data
for path in jsonpath.split('.')[1:]:
if path not in d:
d.setdefault(path, {})
d = d.get(path)
return _do_replace()
def multisort(data, sort_by=None, order_by=None):
"""Sort a dictionary by multiple keys.
The order of the keys is important. The first key takes precedence over
the second key, and so forth.
:param data: Dictionary to be sorted.
:param sort_by: list or string of keys to sort ``data`` by.
:type sort_by: list or string
:returns: Sorted dictionary by each key.
if sort_by is None:
sort_by = 'created_at'
if order_by not in ['asc', 'desc']:
order_by = 'asc'
if not isinstance(sort_by, list):
sort_by = [sort_by]
return sorted(data, key=lambda d: [
jsonpath_parse(d, sort_key) for sort_key in sort_by],
reverse=True if order_by == 'desc' else False)
def _add_microversion(value):
"""Hack for coercing all Deckhand schema fields (``schema`` and
``metadata.schema``) into ending with v1.0 rather than v1, for example.
microversion_re = r'^.*/.*/v[0-9]+$'
if re.match(value, microversion_re):
return value + '.0'
return value
def deepfilter(dct, **filters):
"""Match ``dct`` against all the filters in ``filters``.
Check whether ``dct`` matches all the fitlers in ``filters``. The filters
can reference nested attributes, attributes that are contained within
other dictionaries within ``dct``.
Useful for querying whether ```` or
``metadata.layeringDefinition.layerOrder`` match specific values.
:param dct: The dictionary to check against all the ``filters``.
:type dct: dict
:param filters: Dictionary of key-value pairs used for filtering out
unwanted results.
:type filters: dict
:returns: True if the dictionary satisfies all the filters, else False.
def _transform_filter_bool(filter_val):
# Transform boolean values into string literals.
if isinstance(filter_val, six.string_types):
filter_val = ast.literal_eval(filter_val.title())
except ValueError:
# If not True/False, set to None to avoid matching
# `actual_val` which is always boolean.
filter_val = None
return filter_val
for filter_key, filter_val in filters.items():
# If the filter is a list of possibilities, e.g. ['site', 'region']
# for metadata.layeringDefinition.layer, check whether the actual
# value is present.
if isinstance(filter_val, (list, tuple)):
actual_val = jsonpath_parse(dct, filter_key, match_all=True)
if not actual_val:
return False
if isinstance(actual_val[0], bool):
filter_val = [_transform_filter_bool(x) for x in filter_val]
if not set(actual_val).intersection(set(filter_val)):
return False
actual_val = jsonpath_parse(dct, filter_key)
# Else if both the filter value and the actual value in the doc
# are dictionaries, check whether the filter dict is a subset
# of the actual dict.
if (isinstance(actual_val, dict)
and isinstance(filter_val, dict)):
is_subset = set(
if not is_subset:
return False
# Else both filters are string literals.
# Filtering by schema must support namespace matching
# (e.g. schema=promenade) such that all kind and schema
# documents with promenade namespace are returned, or
# (e.g. schema=promenade/Node) such that all version
# schemas with namespace=schema and kind=Node are returned.
if isinstance(actual_val, bool):
filter_val = _transform_filter_bool(filter_val)
if filter_key in ['schema', 'metadata.schema']:
actual_val = _add_microversion(actual_val)
filter_val = _add_microversion(filter_val)
parts = actual_val.split('/')[:2]
if len(parts) == 2:
actual_namespace, actual_kind = parts
elif len(parts) == 1:
actual_namespace = parts[0]
actual_kind = ''
actual_namespace = actual_kind = ''
actual_minus_version = actual_namespace + '/' + actual_kind
if not (filter_val == actual_val or
actual_minus_version == filter_val or
actual_namespace == filter_val):
return False
if actual_val != filter_val:
return False
return True