# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import falcon from oslo_log import log as logging import six from deckhand.common import utils from deckhand.common import validation_message as vm from deckhand.control import base as api_base from deckhand.control import common from deckhand.control.views import document as document_view from deckhand.db.sqlalchemy import api as db_api from deckhand.engine import document_validation from deckhand import errors from deckhand import policy from deckhand import types LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RevisionDocumentsResource(api_base.BaseResource): """API resource for realizing revision documents endpoint.""" view_builder = document_view.ViewBuilder() @policy.authorize('deckhand:list_cleartext_documents') @common.sanitize_params([ 'schema', 'metadata.name', 'metadata.layeringDefinition.abstract', 'metadata.layeringDefinition.layer', 'metadata.label', 'status.bucket', 'order', 'sort', 'limit']) def on_get(self, req, resp, sanitized_params, revision_id): """Returns all documents for a `revision_id`. Returns a multi-document YAML response containing all the documents matching the filters specified via query string parameters. Returned documents will be as originally posted with no substitutions or layering applied. """ include_encrypted = policy.conditional_authorize( 'deckhand:list_encrypted_documents', req.context, do_raise=False) order_by = sanitized_params.pop('order', None) sort_by = sanitized_params.pop('sort', None) limit = sanitized_params.pop('limit', None) filters = sanitized_params.copy() filters['metadata.storagePolicy'] = ['cleartext'] if include_encrypted: filters['metadata.storagePolicy'].append('encrypted') filters['deleted'] = False # Never return deleted documents to user. try: documents = db_api.revision_documents_get( revision_id, **filters) except errors.RevisionNotFound as e: LOG.exception(six.text_type(e)) raise falcon.HTTPNotFound(description=e.format_message()) # Sorts by creation date by default. documents = utils.multisort(documents, sort_by, order_by) if limit is not None: documents = documents[:limit] resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 resp.body = self.view_builder.list(documents) class RenderedDocumentsResource(api_base.BaseResource): """API resource for realizing rendered documents endpoint. Rendered documents are also revision documents, but unlike revision documents, they are finalized documents, having undergone secret substitution and document layering. Returns a multi-document YAML response containing all the documents matching the filters specified via query string parameters. Returned documents will have secrets substituted into them and be layered with other documents in the revision, in accordance with the ``LayeringPolicy`` that currently exists in the system. """ view_builder = document_view.ViewBuilder() @policy.authorize('deckhand:list_cleartext_documents') @common.sanitize_params([ 'schema', 'metadata.name', 'metadata.layeringDefinition.layer', 'metadata.label', 'status.bucket', 'order', 'sort', 'limit']) def on_get(self, req, resp, sanitized_params, revision_id): include_encrypted = policy.conditional_authorize( 'deckhand:list_encrypted_documents', req.context, do_raise=False) filters = { 'metadata.storagePolicy': ['cleartext'], 'deleted': False } if include_encrypted: filters['metadata.storagePolicy'].append('encrypted') rendered_documents = common.get_rendered_docs(revision_id, **filters) # Filters to be applied post-rendering, because many documents are # involved in rendering. User filters can only be applied once all # documents have been rendered. Note that `layering` module only # returns concrete documents, so no filtering for that is needed here. order_by = sanitized_params.pop('order', None) sort_by = sanitized_params.pop('sort', None) limit = sanitized_params.pop('limit', None) user_filters = sanitized_params.copy() rendered_documents = [ d for d in rendered_documents if utils.deepfilter( d, **user_filters)] if sort_by: rendered_documents = utils.multisort( rendered_documents, sort_by, order_by) if limit is not None: rendered_documents = rendered_documents[:limit] resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 self._post_validate(rendered_documents) resp.body = self.view_builder.list(rendered_documents) def _post_validate(self, rendered_documents): # Perform schema validation post-rendering to ensure that rendering # and substitution didn't break anything. data_schemas = db_api.revision_documents_get( schema=types.DATA_SCHEMA_SCHEMA, deleted=False) doc_validator = document_validation.DocumentValidation( rendered_documents, data_schemas, pre_validate=False) try: validations = doc_validator.validate_all() except errors.InvalidDocumentFormat as e: # Post-rendering validation errors likely indicate an internal # rendering bug, so override the default code to 500. e.code = 500 LOG.error('Failed to post-validate rendered documents.') LOG.exception(e.format_message()) raise e else: error_list = [] for validation in validations: if validation['status'] == 'failure': error_list.extend([ vm.ValidationMessage( message=error['message'], name=vm.DOCUMENT_POST_RENDERING_FAILURE, doc_schema=error['schema'], doc_name=error['name'], doc_layer=error['layer'], diagnostic={ k: v for k, v in error.items() if k in ( 'schema_path', 'validation_schema', 'error_section' ) } ) for error in validation['errors'] ]) if error_list: raise errors.InvalidDocumentFormat( error_list=error_list, reason='Validation' )