# Tests success paths for basic layering/substitution scenario as well as # success paths for the following edge cases: # * Substitution/layering works with top layer empty # * Substitution/layering works with multiple top layers empty # * Substitution/layering works with intermediate layer empty # * Substitution/layering works with substitution dependency chain # # Base case: # 1. Purges existing data to ensure test isolation. # 2. Creates basic LayeringPolicy with 2 layers. # 3. Adds initial documents for layering/substitution base case. # 4. Verifies fully substituted/layered document data. # Edge cases: # 5. Creates LayeringPolicy with 3 layers, where topmost is empty. # 6. Adds initial documents for layering/substitution base case. # 7. Verifies fully substituted/layered document data. # 8. Creates LayeringPolicy with 4 layers, where 2 topmost are empty. # 9. Adds initial documents for layering/substitution base case. # 10. Verifies fully substituted/layered document data. # 11. Creates LayeringPolicy with 5 layers, with empty interspersed layers. # 12. Adds initial documents for layering/substitution base case. # 13. Verifies fully substituted/layered document data. # DAG case: # 14. Re-creates the layering policy with 2 layers: region and site. # 15. Adds documents with a substitution dependency chain that # requires sorting in order to resolve. # 16. Verifies fully substituted/layered document data. defaults: request_headers: content-type: application/x-yaml response_headers: content-type: application/x-yaml tests: - name: purge desc: Begin testing from known state. DELETE: /api/v1.0/revisions status: 204 response_headers: null - name: initialize_layering_policy_base_case desc: | Initailize the layering policy with 2 layers where the child document that requires substitution has layer site and the parent document which is abstract has layer region. PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: |- --- schema: deckhand/LayeringPolicy/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Control/v1 name: layering-policy data: layerOrder: - region - site ... - name: initialize_base_case desc: | Base case for testing layering alongside substitution using two layers: region and site, where site layers with region, then receives multiple substitutions from secret documents. PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: <@resources/layering-and-substitution-sample.yaml - name: verify_base_case desc: Check for expected substitutions GET: /api/v1.0/revisions/$RESPONSE['$.[0].status.revision']/rendered-documents query_parameters: metadata.name: armada-chart-01 status: 200 response_multidoc_jsonpaths: $.`len`: 1 $.[0].metadata.name: armada-chart-01 $.[0].data: chart: details: data: here values: tls: certificate: | CERTIFICATE DATA key: | KEY DATA some_url: http://admin:my-secret-password@service-name:8080/v1 from-parent: parent-val - name: initialize_layering_policy_with_top_empty_layer desc: | Re-initailize the layering policy with 3 layers so that the top is empty PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: |- --- schema: deckhand/LayeringPolicy/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Control/v1 name: layering-policy data: layerOrder: - global # Empty - region - site ... - name: initialize_base_case_with_empty_top_layer desc: | Same case as before, except with a top empty layer. PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: <@resources/layering-and-substitution-sample.yaml - name: verify_empty_top_layer desc: Check for expected substitutions GET: /api/v1.0/revisions/$RESPONSE['$.[0].status.revision']/rendered-documents query_parameters: metadata.name: armada-chart-01 status: 200 response_multidoc_jsonpaths: $.`len`: 1 $.[0].metadata.name: armada-chart-01 $.[0].data: chart: details: data: here values: tls: certificate: | CERTIFICATE DATA key: | KEY DATA some_url: http://admin:my-secret-password@service-name:8080/v1 from-parent: parent-val - name: initialize_layering_policy_with_2_top_empty_layers desc: | Re-initailize the layering policy with 4 layers so that the top 2 can be empty PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: |- --- schema: deckhand/LayeringPolicy/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Control/v1 name: layering-policy data: layerOrder: - meta # Empty - global # Empty - region - site ... - name: initialize_base_case_with_multiple_empty_top_layers desc: | Same case as before, except with multiple empty top layers. PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: <@resources/layering-and-substitution-sample.yaml - name: verify_multiple_empty_top_layers desc: Check for expected substitutions GET: /api/v1.0/revisions/$RESPONSE['$.[0].status.revision']/rendered-documents query_parameters: metadata.name: armada-chart-01 status: 200 response_multidoc_jsonpaths: $.`len`: 1 $.[0].metadata.name: armada-chart-01 $.[0].data: chart: details: data: here values: tls: certificate: | CERTIFICATE DATA key: | KEY DATA some_url: http://admin:my-secret-password@service-name:8080/v1 from-parent: parent-val - name: initialize_layering_policy_with_interspersed_empty_layers desc: | Re-initailize the layering policy with 5 layers with empty interspersed layers. PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: |- --- schema: deckhand/LayeringPolicy/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Control/v1 name: layering-policy data: layerOrder: - meta # Empty - global # Empty - region - sub-region # Empty - site ... - name: initialize_base_case_with_multiple_interspersed_empty_layers desc: | Same case as before, except with multiple empty interspersed layers. PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: <@resources/layering-and-substitution-sample.yaml - name: verify_multiple_empty_top_layers desc: Check for expected substitutions GET: /api/v1.0/revisions/$RESPONSE['$.[0].status.revision']/rendered-documents query_parameters: metadata.name: armada-chart-01 status: 200 response_multidoc_jsonpaths: $.`len`: 1 $.[0].metadata.name: armada-chart-01 $.[0].data: chart: details: data: here values: tls: certificate: | CERTIFICATE DATA key: | KEY DATA some_url: http://admin:my-secret-password@service-name:8080/v1 from-parent: parent-val - name: initialize_layering_policy_base_case_again desc: | Initailize the layering policy with 2 layers. PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: |- --- schema: deckhand/LayeringPolicy/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Control/v1 name: layering-policy data: layerOrder: - region - site ... - name: initialize_substitution_dependency_chain desc: | Base case for testing layering alongside substitution in which a DAG must be used to topologically sort the substitutions in order to derive the correct substitution order. PUT: /api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents status: 200 data: <@resources/layering-and-substitution-dag-sample.yaml - name: verify_substitution_dependency_chain desc: | The dependency chain is: armada-chart-03 -> armada-chart-02 -> armada-chart-01 but the documents are passed to the server in reverse order. This verifies that the server re-orders the documents according to the topologically sorted order of the substitution dependency DAG. Also, armada-chart-02 and armada-chart-03 are layered with armada-chart-01 except that armada-chart-02 deletes everything and armada-chart-03 merges everything. GET: /api/v1.0/revisions/$RESPONSE['$.[0].status.revision']/rendered-documents query_parameters: schema: armada/Chart/v1 sort: metadata.name status: 200 response_multidoc_jsonpaths: $.`len`: 3 $.[0].metadata.name: armada-chart-01 $.[0].data: region: certificate: | CERTIFICATE DATA certificatekey: | KEY DATA passphrase: http://admin:my-secret-password@service-name:8080/v1 $.[1].metadata.name: armada-chart-02 $.[1].data: site: certificate: | CERTIFICATE DATA certificatekey: | KEY DATA passphrase: http://admin:my-secret-password@service-name:8080/v1 $.[2].metadata.name: armada-chart-03 $.[2].data: region: certificate: | CERTIFICATE DATA certificatekey: | KEY DATA passphrase: http://admin:my-secret-password@service-name:8080/v1 site-alt: certificate: | CERTIFICATE DATA certificatekey: | KEY DATA passphrase: http://admin:my-secret-password@service-name:8080/v1