# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import yaml from oslo_config import cfg from deckhand import factories from deckhand.tests import test_utils from deckhand.tests.unit.control import base as test_base from deckhand import types CONF = cfg.CONF VALIDATION_RESULT = """ --- status: failure errors: - documents: - schema: promenade/Node/v1 name: node-document-name - schema: promenade/Masters/v1 name: kubernetes-masters message: Node has master role, but not included in cluster masters list. validator: name: promenade version: 1.1.2 """ VALIDATION_RESULT_ALT = """ --- status: success errors: - documents: - schema: promenade/Slaves/v1 name: kubernetes-slaves message: No slave nodes found. validator: name: promenade version: 1.1.2 """ class TestValidationsController(test_base.BaseControllerTest): """Test suite for validating positive scenarios for bucket controller.""" def _create_revision(self, payload=None): if not payload: documents_factory = factories.DocumentFactory(2, [1, 1]) payload = documents_factory.gen_test({}) resp = self.app.simulate_put( '/api/v1.0/buckets/mop/documents', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}, body=yaml.safe_dump_all(payload)) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) revision_id = list(yaml.safe_load_all(resp.text))[0]['status'][ 'revision'] return revision_id def _create_validation(self, revision_id, validation_name, policy): resp = self.app.simulate_post( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations/%s' % (revision_id, validation_name), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}, body=policy) return resp def test_create_validation(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:create_validation': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) revision_id = self._create_revision() validation_name = test_utils.rand_name('validation') resp = self._create_validation(revision_id, validation_name, VALIDATION_RESULT) self.assertEqual(201, resp.status_code) expected_body = { 'status': 'failure', 'validator': { 'name': 'promenade', 'version': '1.1.2' } } self.assertEqual(expected_body, yaml.safe_load(resp.text)) def test_list_validations(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) revision_id = self._create_revision() resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations' % revision_id, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) # Validate that the internal deckhand validation was created already. body = list(yaml.safe_load_all(resp.text)) expected = { 'count': 1, 'results': [ { 'status': 'success', 'name': types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION } ] } self.assertEqual(1, len(body)) self.assertEqual(expected, body[0]) rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:create_validation': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) # Validate that, after creating a validation policy by an external # service, it is listed as well. validation_name = test_utils.rand_name('validation') resp = self._create_validation(revision_id, validation_name, VALIDATION_RESULT) resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations' % revision_id, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 2, 'results': [ { 'name': types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION, 'status': 'success' }, { 'name': validation_name, 'status': 'failure' } ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) def test_list_validation_entries(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:create_validation': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) revision_id = self._create_revision() # Validate that 3 entries (1 for each of the 3 documents created) # exists for # /api/v1.0/revisions/1/validations/deckhand-schema-validation resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations/%s' % ( revision_id, types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 3, 'results': [{'id': x, 'status': 'success'} for x in range(3)] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) # Add the result of a validation to a revision. validation_name = test_utils.rand_name('validation') resp = self._create_validation(revision_id, validation_name, VALIDATION_RESULT) # Validate that the entry is present. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations/%s' % (revision_id, validation_name), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [{'id': 0, 'status': 'failure'}] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) def test_list_validation_entries_after_creating_validation(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:create_validation': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) revision_id = self._create_revision() # Add the result of a validation to a revision. validation_name = test_utils.rand_name('validation') resp = self._create_validation(revision_id, validation_name, VALIDATION_RESULT) # Validate that the entry is present. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations/%s' % (revision_id, validation_name), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [{'id': 0, 'status': 'failure'}] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) # Add the result of another validation to the same revision. resp = self._create_validation(revision_id, validation_name, VALIDATION_RESULT_ALT) # Validate that 2 entries now exist. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations/%s' % (revision_id, validation_name), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 2, 'results': [ {'id': 0, 'status': 'failure'}, {'id': 1, 'status': 'success'} ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) def test_list_validation_entries_with_multiple_entries(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:create_validation': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) revision_id = self._create_revision() validation_name = test_utils.rand_name('validation') resp = self._create_validation(revision_id, validation_name, VALIDATION_RESULT) resp = resp = self._create_validation(revision_id, validation_name, VALIDATION_RESULT_ALT) resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations/%s' % (revision_id, validation_name), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 2, 'results': [ {'id': 0, 'status': 'failure'}, {'id': 1, 'status': 'success'} ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) def test_show_validation_entry(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:create_validation': '@', 'deckhand:show_validation': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) revision_id = self._create_revision() validation_name = test_utils.rand_name('validation') resp = resp = self._create_validation(revision_id, validation_name, VALIDATION_RESULT) resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations/%s/0' % (revision_id, validation_name), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'name': validation_name, 'status': 'failure', 'createdAt': None, 'expiresAfter': None, 'errors': [ { 'documents': [ { 'name': 'node-document-name', 'schema': 'promenade/Node/v1' }, { 'name': 'kubernetes-masters', 'schema': 'promenade/Masters/v1' } ], 'message': 'Node has master role, but not included in ' 'cluster masters list.' } ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) def test_validation_with_registered_data_schema(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) # Register a `DataSchema` against which the test document will be # validated. data_schema_factory = factories.DataSchemaFactory() metadata_name = 'example/Doc/v1' schema_to_use = { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/schema#', 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'a': { 'type': 'string' } }, 'required': ['a'], 'additionalProperties': False } data_schema = data_schema_factory.gen_test( metadata_name, data=schema_to_use) revision_id = self._create_revision(payload=[data_schema]) # Validate that the internal deckhand validation was created. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations' % revision_id, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [ {'name': types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION, 'status': 'success'} ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) # Create the test document whose data section adheres to the # `DataSchema` above. doc_factory = factories.DocumentFactory(1, [1]) doc_to_test = doc_factory.gen_test( {'_GLOBAL_DATA_1_': {'data': {'a': 'whatever'}}}, global_abstract=False)[-1] doc_to_test['schema'] = 'example/Doc/v1' revision_id = self._create_revision( payload=[doc_to_test]) # Validate that the validation was created and passed. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations' % revision_id, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [ {'name': types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION, 'status': 'success'} ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) def test_validation_with_registered_data_schema_expect_failure(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) # Register a `DataSchema` against which the test document will be # validated. data_schema_factory = factories.DataSchemaFactory() metadata_name = 'example/foo/v1' schema_to_use = { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/schema#', 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'a': { 'type': 'integer' # Test doc will fail b/c of wrong type. } }, 'required': ['a'] } data_schema = data_schema_factory.gen_test( metadata_name, data=schema_to_use) revision_id = self._create_revision(payload=[data_schema]) # Validate that the internal deckhand validation was created. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations' % revision_id, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [ {'name': types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION, 'status': 'success'} ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) # Create the test document that fails the validation due to the # schema defined by the `DataSchema` document. doc_factory = factories.DocumentFactory(1, [1]) doc_to_test = doc_factory.gen_test( {'_GLOBAL_DATA_1_': {'data': {'a': 'fail'}}}, global_abstract=False)[-1] doc_to_test['schema'] = 'example/foo/v1' doc_to_test['metadata']['name'] = 'test_doc' revision_id = self._create_revision(payload=[doc_to_test]) # Validate that the validation was created and reports failure. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations' % revision_id, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [ {'name': types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION, 'status': 'failure'} ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) def test_validation_with_registered_data_schema_expect_mixed(self): rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) # Register a `DataSchema` against which the test document will be # validated. data_schema_factory = factories.DataSchemaFactory() metadata_name = 'example/foo/v1' schema_to_use = { '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/schema#', 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'a': { 'type': 'integer' # Test doc will fail b/c of wrong type. } }, 'required': ['a'] } data_schema = data_schema_factory.gen_test( metadata_name, data=schema_to_use) revision_id = self._create_revision(payload=[data_schema]) # Validate that the internal deckhand validation was created. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations' % revision_id, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [ {'name': types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION, 'status': 'success'} ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) # Create a document that passes validation and another that fails it. doc_factory = factories.DocumentFactory(1, [1]) fail_doc = doc_factory.gen_test( {'_GLOBAL_DATA_1_': {'data': {'a': 'fail'}}}, global_abstract=False)[-1] fail_doc['schema'] = 'example/foo/v1' fail_doc['metadata']['name'] = 'test_doc' pass_doc = copy.deepcopy(fail_doc) pass_doc['data']['a'] = 5 revision_id = self._create_revision(payload=[fail_doc, pass_doc]) # Validate that the validation reports failure since `fail_doc` # should've failed validation. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations' % revision_id, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [ {'name': types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION, 'status': 'failure'} ] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body) def test_document_without_data_section_saves_but_fails_validation(self): """Validate that a document without the data section is saved to the database, but fails validation. This is a valid use case because a document in a bucket can be created without a data section, which depends on substitution from another document. """ rules = {'deckhand:create_cleartext_documents': '@', 'deckhand:create_validation': '@', 'deckhand:list_validations': '@'} self.policy.set_rules(rules) documents_factory = factories.DocumentFactory(1, [1]) payload = documents_factory.gen_test({}, global_abstract=False)[-1] del payload['data'] revision_id = self._create_revision(payload=[payload]) # Validate that the entry is present. resp = self.app.simulate_get( '/api/v1.0/revisions/%s/validations/%s' % ( revision_id, types.DECKHAND_SCHEMA_VALIDATION), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-yaml'}) self.assertEqual(200, resp.status_code) body = yaml.safe_load(resp.text) expected_body = { 'count': 1, 'results': [{'id': 0, 'status': 'failure'}] } self.assertEqual(expected_body, body)