# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import import os import fixtures from unittest import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import testtools from deckhand.conf import config # noqa: Calls register_opts(CONF) from deckhand.db.sqlalchemy import api as db_api from deckhand.engine import cache from deckhand.tests import test_utils from deckhand.tests.unit import dh_fixtures CONF = cfg.CONF logging.register_options(CONF) logging.setup(CONF, 'deckhand') BASE_EXPECTED_FIELDS = ("created_at", "updated_at", "deleted_at", "deleted") DOCUMENT_EXPECTED_FIELDS = BASE_EXPECTED_FIELDS + ( "id", "schema", "name", "layer", "metadata", "data", "data_hash", "metadata_hash", "revision_id", "bucket_id") REVISION_EXPECTED_FIELDS = ("id", "documents", "tags") class DeckhandTestCase(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(DeckhandTestCase, self).setUp() self.useFixture(fixtures.FakeLogger('deckhand')) self.useFixture(dh_fixtures.ConfPatcher( api_endpoint='', group='barbican')) self.useFixture(dh_fixtures.ConfPatcher( development_mode=True, group=None)) def tearDown(self): # Clear the cache between tests. cache.invalidate() super(DeckhandTestCase, self).tearDown() def override_config(self, name, override, group=None): CONF.set_override(name, override, group) self.addCleanup(CONF.clear_override, name, group) def assertEmpty(self, collection): if isinstance(collection, list): self.assertEqual(0, len(collection)) elif isinstance(collection, dict): self.assertEqual(0, len(collection.keys())) def assertDictItemsAlmostEqual(self, first, second, ignore): """Assert that the items in a dictionary or list of dictionaries are equal, except for the keys specified in ``ignore``. Both first and second must contain the keys specified in ``ignore``. :param first: First dictionary or list of dictionaries to compare. :type first: dict or list[dict] :param second: Second dictionary or list of dictionaries to compare. :type second: dict or list[dict] :param ignore: List of keys to ignore in both dictionaries or list of dictionaries. :type ignore: list or tuple """ if not isinstance(first, list): first = [first] if not isinstance(second, list): second = [second] for key in ignore: for item in first: item.pop(key) for item in second: item.pop(key) self.assertEqual(first, second) def patch(self, target, autospec=True, **kwargs): """Returns a started `mock.patch` object for the supplied target. The caller may then call the returned patcher to create a mock object. The caller does not need to call stop() on the returned patcher object, as this method automatically adds a cleanup to the test class to stop the patcher. :param target: String module.class or module.object expression to patch :param **kwargs: Passed as-is to `mock.patch`. See mock documentation for details. """ p = mock.patch(target, autospec=autospec, **kwargs) m = p.start() self.addCleanup(p.stop) return m def patchobject(self, target, attribute, new=mock.DEFAULT, **kwargs): """Convenient wrapper around `mock.patch.object` Returns a started mock that will be automatically stopped after the test ran. """ p = mock.patch.object(target, attribute, new, **kwargs) m = p.start() self.addCleanup(p.stop) return m class DeckhandWithDBTestCase(DeckhandTestCase): def setUp(self): super(DeckhandWithDBTestCase, self).setUp() self.override_config( 'connection', os.environ.get('PIFPAF_URL', 'sqlite://'), group='database') db_api.setup_db(CONF.database.connection, create_tables=True) self.addCleanup(db_api.drop_db) def create_documents(self, bucket_name, documents, validation_policies=None): if not validation_policies: validation_policies = [] if not isinstance(documents, list): documents = [documents] if not isinstance(validation_policies, list): validation_policies = [validation_policies] docs = db_api.documents_create( bucket_name, documents, validation_policies) return docs def show_document(self, **fields): doc = db_api.document_get(**fields) self.validate_document(actual=doc) return doc def create_revision(self): # Implicitly creates a revision and returns it. documents = [DocumentFixture.get_minimal_fixture()] bucket_name = test_utils.rand_name('bucket') revision_id = self.create_documents(bucket_name, documents)[0][ 'revision_id'] return revision_id def show_revision(self, revision_id): revision = db_api.revision_get(revision_id) self.validate_revision(revision) return revision def delete_revisions(self): return db_api.revision_delete_all() def list_revision_documents(self, revision_id, **filters): documents = db_api.revision_documents_get(revision_id, **filters) for document in documents: self.validate_document(document) return documents def list_revisions(self): return db_api.revision_get_all() def rollback_revision(self, revision_id): latest_revision = db_api.revision_get_latest() return db_api.revision_rollback(revision_id, latest_revision) def create_validation(self, revision_id, val_name, val_data): return db_api.validation_create(revision_id, val_name, val_data) def _validate_object(self, obj): for attr in BASE_EXPECTED_FIELDS: if attr.endswith('_at'): self.assertThat(obj[attr], testtools.matchers.MatchesAny( testtools.matchers.Is(None), testtools.matchers.IsInstance(str))) else: self.assertIsInstance(obj[attr], bool) def validate_document(self, actual, expected=None, is_deleted=False): self._validate_object(actual) # Validate that the document has all expected fields and is a dict. expected_fields = list(DOCUMENT_EXPECTED_FIELDS) if not is_deleted: expected_fields.remove('deleted_at') self.assertIsInstance(actual, dict) for field in expected_fields: self.assertIn(field, actual) def validate_revision(self, revision): self._validate_object(revision) for attr in REVISION_EXPECTED_FIELDS: self.assertIn(attr, revision) # TODO(felipemonteiro): Move this into a separate module called `fixtures`. class DocumentFixture(object): @staticmethod def get_minimal_fixture(**kwargs): fixture = { 'data': { test_utils.rand_name('key'): test_utils.rand_name('value') }, 'metadata': { 'name': test_utils.rand_name('metadata_data'), 'label': test_utils.rand_name('metadata_label'), 'layeringDefinition': { 'abstract': test_utils.rand_bool(), 'layer': test_utils.rand_name('layer') }, 'storagePolicy': test_utils.rand_name('storage_policy') }, 'schema': test_utils.rand_name('schema')} fixture.update(kwargs) return fixture @staticmethod def get_minimal_multi_fixture(count=2, **kwargs): return [DocumentFixture.get_minimal_fixture(**kwargs) for _ in range(count)]