#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script intended for running Deckhand integration tests, where integration # is defined as the interaction between Deckhand and Keystone and Barbican. # Installation dependency is openstack-helm-infra. # # USAGE: ./tools/integration-tests.sh # TODO(fmontei): Use Ansible for all this. # NOTE(fmontei): May have to automate the following installation guide for CI: # https://docs.openstack.org/openstack-helm/latest/install/developer/requirements-and-host-config.html#host-configuration set -xe CURRENT_DIR="$(pwd)" : ${OSH_INFRA_PATH:="../openstack-helm-infra"} : ${OSH_PATH:="../openstack-helm"} function deploy_barbican { set -xe # Pull images and lint chart make pull-images barbican # Deploy command helm upgrade --install barbican ./barbican \ --namespace=openstack # Wait for deploy ./tools/deployment/common/wait-for-pods.sh openstack # Validate deployment info helm status barbican } function deploy_osh_keystone_barbican { set -xe if [ ! -d "$OSH_INFRA_PATH" ]; then git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-helm-infra.git ../openstack-helm-infra fi if [ ! -d "$OSH_PATH" ]; then git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/openstack-helm.git ../openstack-helm fi cd ${OSH_PATH} git reset --hard ${BARBICAN_STABLE_COMMIT} # Deploy required packages ./tools/deployment/common/install-packages.sh # Deploy Kubernetes sudo modprobe br_netfilter ./tools/deployment/common/deploy-k8s.sh cd ${CURRENT_DIR} sudo -H -E pip install -r test-requirements.txt # remove systemd-resolved local stub dns from resolv.conf sudo sed -i.bkp '/^nameserver.* w /dev/stdout' /etc/resolv.conf # add external nameservers echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf cat /etc/resolv.conf cd ${OSH_PATH} # Setup clients on the host and assemble the charts ./tools/deployment/common/setup-client.sh # Deploy the ingress controller ./tools/deployment/component/common/ingress.sh # Deploy NFS Provisioner ./tools/deployment/component/nfs-provisioner/nfs-provisioner.sh # Deploy MariaDB ./tools/deployment/component/common/mariadb.sh # Deploy RabbitMQ ./tools/deployment/component/common/rabbitmq.sh # Deploy Memcached ./tools/deployment/component/common/memcached.sh # Deploy Keystone ./tools/deployment/component/keystone/keystone.sh deploy_barbican } function deploy_deckhand { set -xe export OS_CLOUD=openstack_helm cd ${CURRENT_DIR} # TODO(fmontei): Use Keystone bootstrap override instead. interfaces=("admin" "public" "internal") deckhand_endpoint="" if [ -z "$( openstack service list --format value | grep deckhand )" ]; then openstack service create --enable --name deckhand deckhand fi for iface in ${interfaces[@]}; do if [ -z "$( openstack endpoint list --format value | grep deckhand | grep $iface )" ]; then openstack endpoint create --enable \ --region RegionOne \ deckhand $iface $deckhand_endpoint/api/v1.0 fi done openstack service list | grep deckhand openstack endpoint list | grep deckhand gen_config false $deckhand_endpoint gen_paste false log_section "Running Deckhand via uwsgi." source ${CURRENT_DIR}/entrypoint.sh alembic upgrade head & # Give time for migrations to complete. sleep 10 source ${CURRENT_DIR}/entrypoint.sh server & # Give the server a chance to come up. Better to poll a health check. sleep 10 # NOTE(fmontei): Generate an admin token instead of hacking a policy # file with no permissions to test authN as well as authZ. export TEST_AUTH_TOKEN=$( openstack token issue --format value -c id ) local test_barbican_url=$( openstack endpoint list --format value | grep barbican | grep public | awk '{print $7}' ) if [[ $test_barbican_url == */ ]]; then test_barbican_url=$( echo $test_barbican_url | sed 's/.$//' ) fi export TEST_BARBICAN_URL=$test_barbican_url } function run_tests { set +e export DECKHAND_TEST_DIR=${CURRENT_DIR}/deckhand/tests/integration/gabbits posargs=$@ if [ ${#posargs} -ge 1 ]; then stestr --test-path deckhand/tests/common/ run --serial --slowest --force-subunit-trace --color $1 else stestr --test-path deckhand/tests/common/ run --serial --slowest --force-subunit-trace --color fi TEST_STATUS=$? set -e if [ "x$TEST_STATUS" = "x0" ]; then log_section Done SUCCESS else log_section Done FAILURE exit $TEST_STATUS fi } source ${CURRENT_DIR}/tools/common-tests.sh export AIRSHIP_DECKHAND_DATABASE_URL=${PIFPAF_POSTGRESQL_URL} # Clone openstack-helm-infra and setup host and k8s. deploy_osh_keystone_barbican # Deploy Deckhand. deploy_deckhand run_tests "$@"