#!/usr/bin/python # # Ideally we would use jsonschema.validate but getting useful error # output has been challenging. This can be revisited as needed. import yaml import sys def validate_leaves(prefix, vm, l): valid_leaves = [ ] # first check to make sure we have what we think we should for nd in l: n = nd[0] t = nd[1] o = False if len(nd)>2: o = nd[2] try: if n not in vm.keys(): if o: print "[W] Missing leaf:", prefix+n else: print "[E] Missing leaf:", prefix+n continue if type(vm[n]) != type(t): print "[E] Wrong type for %s (got '%s' expected '%s')" % (prefix+n, type(vm[n]).__name__, type(t).__name__) continue except: print "[W] Unable to validate leaf:", prefix+n continue valid_leaves.append(n) if type(vm) == type(dict()): # now look for things we don't know how to deal with for n in vm.keys(): if n not in [ x[0] for x in l]: print "[W] Unexpected leaf:", prefix+n return valid_leaves def validate_file(filename): yamlgen = yaml.load_all(open(filename)) top = [ x for x in yamlgen ][0] vmlist = top["vmlist"] index = 0 for vm in vmlist: index += 1 name = "" if "name" in vm: name = vm["name"] print "Checking:", name, ("(index %d)" % index) vl = validate_leaves("", vm, [ ("name",str()), ("enabled",bool()), ("vmconfig",dict()), ("netconfig",dict()), ("cloudconfig",dict()) ] ) if "vmconfig" in vl: # validate vmconfig vmconfig = vm["vmconfig"] vl2 = validate_leaves("vmconfig.", vmconfig, [ ("cpu",dict()), ("rootfs",dict()) ]) if "cpu" in vl2: # validate vmconfig.cpu cpu = vmconfig["cpu"] vl3 = validate_leaves("vmconfig.cpu.", cpu, [ ("vcpu",int()), ("ram_mb",int()) ]) if "vcpus" in vl3: vcpu = int(cpu["vcpus"]) if vcpu < 1 or vcpu > 8: print "[W] vmconfig.cpu.vcpu has odd looking value:", vcpu if "ram_mb" in vl3: ram_mb = int(cpu["ram_mb"]) if ram_mb < 512 or ram_mb > 32768: print "[W] vmconfig.cpu.ram_mb has odd looking value:", ram_mb if "rootfs" in vl2: # validate vmconfig.rootfs rootfs = vmconfig["rootfs"] vl3 = validate_leaves("vmconfig.rootfs.", rootfs, [ ("sourceurl",str()), ("type_notimpl",str()), ("localtarget",str()), ("pvc_size",str()), ("pvc_class",str(), True) ]) if "sourceurl" in vl3: if not rootfs["sourceurl"].startswith("http"): print "[W] vmconfig.rootfs.sourceurl has odd looking value:", rootfs["sourceurl"] if "netconfig" in vl: # validate netconfig netconfig = vm["netconfig"] vm2 = validate_leaves("netconfig.", netconfig, [ ("ports",dict()), ("readinessTcpProbe",int(), True) ]) # do more? if "cloudconfig" in vl: # validate cloudconfig cloudconfig = vm["cloudconfig"] vl2 = validate_leaves("cloudconfig.", cloudconfig, [ ("instance_id",str()), ("metadata",str()), ("userdata",str()) ]) # check things look sane for yamlobj in [ "metadata", "userdata" ]: if yamlobj in vl2: try: yaml.load(cloudconfig[yamlobj]) except: print "[E] Bad yaml for vmconfig.cloudconfig.%s" % yamlobj print "Done" print if __name__ == "__main__": for fn in sys.argv[1:]: validate_file(fn)