import os import requests import tarfile import tempfile import shutil from git import Repo from os import path from ..exceptions import source_exceptions def git_clone(repo_url, branch='master'): ''' :params repo_url - URL of git repo to clone :params branch - branch of the repo to clone Returns a path to the cloned repo ''' if repo_url == '': raise source_exceptions.GitLocationException(repo_url) os.environ['GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT'] = '0' _tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='armada', dir='/tmp') try: Repo.clone_from(repo_url, _tmp_dir, **{'branch': branch}) except Exception: raise source_exceptions.GitLocationException(repo_url) return _tmp_dir def get_tarball(tarball_url): tarball_path = download_tarball(tarball_url) return extract_tarball(tarball_path) def download_tarball(tarball_url): ''' Downloads a tarball to /tmp and returns the path ''' try: tarball_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='armada', dir='/tmp')[1] response = requests.get(tarball_url) with open(tarball_filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) except Exception: raise source_exceptions.TarballDownloadException(tarball_url) return tarball_filename def extract_tarball(tarball_path): ''' Extracts a tarball to /tmp and returns the path ''' if not path.exists(tarball_path): raise source_exceptions.InvalidPathException(tarball_path) _tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='armada', dir='/tmp') try: file = file.extractall(_tmp_dir) except Exception: raise source_exceptions.TarballExtractException(tarball_path) return _tmp_dir def source_cleanup(target_dir): ''' Clean up source ''' if path.exists(target_dir): shutil.rmtree(target_dir)