.. Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _document_authoring_v2: v2 Authoring ============ .. DANGER:: EXPERIMENTAL: `v2` docs are still experimental and WILL have breaking changes before they are finalized. armada/Manifest/v2 ------------------ +---------------------+--------+-------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=====================+========+=========================+ | ``release_prefix`` | string | appends to the | | | | front of all | | | | charts | | | | released | | | | by the | | | | manifest in | | | | order to | | | | manage releases | | | | throughout their | | | | lifecycle | +---------------------+--------+-------------------------+ | ``chart_groups`` | array | A list of the | | | | ``metadata.name`` of | | | | each ``ChartGroup`` to | | | | deploy in order. | +---------------------+--------+-------------------------+ Manifest Example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: --- schema: armada/Manifest/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: simple-armada data: release_prefix: armada chart_groups: - chart_group armada/ChartGroup/v2 -------------------- +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=================+==========+========================================================================+ | description | string | description of chart set | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | chart_group | array | A list of the ``metadata.name`` of each ``Chart`` to deploy. | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sequenced | bool | If ``true``, deploys each chart in sequence, else in parallel. | | | | Default ``false``. | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Chart Group Example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group data: description: Deploys Simple Service chart_group: - chart1 - chart2 armada/Chart/v2 --------------- Chart ^^^^^ +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=================+==========+=======================================================================================+ | release | string | name of the release (Armada will prepend with ``release-prefix`` during processing) | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | namespace | string | namespace of your chart | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | wait | object | See `Wait`_. | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | protected | object | do not delete FAILED releases when encountered from previous run (provide the | | | | 'continue_processing' bool to continue or halt execution (default: halt)) | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | test | object | See Test_. | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | upgrade | object | See Upgrade_. | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | delete | object | See Delete_. | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | values | object | (optional) override any default values in the charts | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | source | object | provide a path to a ``git repo``, ``local dir``, or ``tarball url`` chart | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dependencies | object | (optional) reference any chart dependencies before install | +-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _wait_v2: Wait ^^^^ +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+====================================================================+ | timeout | int | time (in seconds) to wait for chart to deploy | +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | resources | dict \| | `Wait Resource`_ s to wait on. Defaults to all supported resource | | | array | types (see `Wait Resource`_ ``.type``), with | | | | ``required: false``. | | | | | | | | **dict** - Maps resource types to one of: | | | | | | | | - `Wait Resource`_ without ``.type`` (single config) | | | | | | | | - list of `Wait Resource`_ without ``.type`` (multiple configs) | | | | | | | | - ``false`` (disabled) | | | | | | | | Any resource type not overridden retains its default config | | | | mentioned above. | | | | | | | | **array** - Lists all `Wait Resource`_ s to use, completely | | | | overriding the default. Can be set to ``[]`` to disable all | | | | resource types. | | | | | | | | See also `Wait Resources Examples`_. | +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | labels | object | Base mapping of labels to wait on. They are added to any labels in | | | | each item in the ``resources`` array. | +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | native | boolean | See `Wait Native`_. | +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Wait Resource ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +============================+==========+====================================================================+ | type | string | K8s resource type, supports: 'deployment', 'daemonset', | | | | 'statefulset', 'pod', 'job'. | | | | | | | | NOTE: Omit when Wait_ ``.resources`` is a dict, as then the dict | | | | key is used instead. | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | labels | object | Kubernetes labels specific to this resource. | | | | Wait_ ``.labels`` are included with these, so only define this if | | | | additional labels are needed to identify the targeted resources. | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | min\_ready | int \| | Only for controller ``type`` s. Amount of pods in a controller | | | string | which must be ready. Can be integer or percent string e.g. ``80%``.| | | | Default ``100%``. | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | allow\_async\_updates | boolean | Only for ``daemonset`` and ``statefulset`` types. Whether to | | | | wait for async update strategies, i.e. OnDelete or partitioned | | | | RollingUpdate. Defaults to ``false`` in order to fail fast in | | | | cases where the async update is not expected to complete until | | | | same point later on. | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | required | boolean | Whether to require the resource to be found. | | | | Defaults to ``true`` for explicit items in ```wait.resources``. | | | | See ``wait.resources`` for its overall defaults. | +----------------------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Wait Resources Examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: yaml wait: # ... # Disable all waiting. resources: [] .. code-block:: yaml wait: # ... # Disable waiting for a given type (job). resources: job: false .. code-block:: yaml wait: # ... # Use min_ready < 100%. resources: daemonset: min_ready: 80% .. code-block:: yaml wait: resources: # Multiple configs for same type. daemonset: - labels: component: one min_ready: 80% - labels: component: two min_ready: 50% .. code-block:: yaml wait: # ... resources: - type: daemonset labels: component: critical min_ready: 100% - type: daemonset labels: component: best_effort min_ready: 80% # ... (re-include any other resource types needed when using list) Wait Native ^^^^^^^^^^^ Config for the native ``helm (install|upgrade) --wait`` flag. +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+====================================================================+ | enabled | boolean | defaults to ``false`` | +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. _test_v2: Test ^^^^ Run helm tests on the chart after install/upgrade. +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+====================================================================+ | enabled | bool | whether to enable/disable helm tests for this chart (default True) | +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | timeout | int | time (in sec) to wait for completion of Helm tests. Default 300. | +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | options | object | See `Test Options`_. | +-------------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: Armada will attempt to run helm tests by default. They may be disabled by setting the ``enabled`` key to ``false``. Test Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test options to pass through directly to helm. +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+===============================================================+ | cleanup | bool | Same as Helm CLI. | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ .. note:: If cleanup is ``true`` this prevents being able to debug a test in the event of failure. Historically, the preferred way to achieve test cleanup has been to add a pre-upgrade delete action on the test pod. This still works, however it is usually no longer necessary as Armada now automatically cleans up any test pods which match the ``wait.labels`` of the chart, immediately before running tests. Similar suggestions have been made for how ``helm test --cleanup`` itself ought to work (https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/3279). Upgrade ^^^^^^^ +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+===============================================================+ | options | object | See `Upgrade - Options`_. | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | pre | object | See `Upgrade - Pre`_. | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ Upgrade - Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Upgrade options to pass through directly to helm. +---------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +===============+==========+===============================================================+ | no_hooks | boolean | Same as Helm CLI. | +---------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | force | boolean | Same as Helm CLI. | +---------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | recreate_pods | boolean | Same as Helm CLI. | +---------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ Upgrade - Pre ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+===============================================================+ | delete | array | List of `Upgrade - Pre - Delete`_. | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ Upgrade - Pre - Delete ********************** +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+===============================================================+ | type | string | type of kubernetes resource to delete | | | | supported types are: 'pod', 'job', 'cronjob'. | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | labels | object | k:v mapping of labels to select Kubernetes resources | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ Chart Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: --- schema: armada/Chart/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: release: blog-1 namespace: default wait: timeout: 100 protected: continue_processing: false test: enabled: true upgrade: pre: delete: - name: test-job type: job labels: foo: bar component: bar rak1: enabled source: type: git location: https://github.com/namespace/repo reference: master Delete ^^^^^^ +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+===================================================================================+ | timeout | integer | time (in seconds) to wait for chart to be deleted | +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Source ^^^^^^ +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+===================================================================================+ | type | string | source to build the chart: ``git``, ``local``, or ``tar`` | +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | location | string | ``url`` or ``path`` to the chart's parent directory | +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | subpath | string | (optional) relative path to target chart from parent (``.`` if not specified) | +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | reference | string | (optional) branch, commit, or reference in the repo (``master`` if not specified) | +-------------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Source Example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: # type git --- schema: armada/Chart/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: release: blog-1 namespace: default wait: timeout: 100 labels: component: blog source: type: git location: https://github.com/namespace/repo # type local --- schema: armada/Chart/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: release: blog-1 namespace: default wait: timeout: 100 source: type: local location: /path/to/charts subpath: chart reference: master # type tar --- schema: armada/Chart/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: release: blog-1 namespace: default wait: timeout: 100 source: type: tar location: https://localhost:8879/charts/chart-0.1.0.tgz subpath: mariadb Simple Example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: --- schema: armada/Chart/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: release: blog-1 namespace: default source: type: git location: https://github.com/namespace/repo subpath: blog-1 reference: new-feat --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group data: description: Deploys Simple Service chart_group: - blog-1 --- schema: armada/Manifest/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: simple-armada data: release_prefix: armada chart_groups: - blog-group Multichart Example ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: --- schema: armada/Chart/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: release: blog-1 namespace: default source: type: git location: https://github.com/namespace/repo subpath: blog1 reference: master --- schema: armada/Chart/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-2 data: release: blog-2 namespace: default source: type: tar location: https://github.com/namespace/repo/blog2.tgz subpath: blog2 --- schema: armada/Chart/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-3 data: release: blog-3 namespace: default source: type: local location: /home/user/namespace/repo/blog3 --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group-1 data: description: Deploys Simple Service chart_group: - blog-2 --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group-2 data: description: Deploys Simple Service chart_group: - blog-1 - blog-3 --- schema: armada/Manifest/v2 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: simple-armada data: release_prefix: armada chart_groups: - blog-group-1 - blog-group-2 References ~~~~~~~~~~ For working examples please check the examples in our repo `here `__.