Armada RESTful API =================== Armada Endpoints ----------------- :: Endpoint: POST /armada/apply :string file The yaml file to apply :>json boolean debug Enable debug logging :>json boolean disable_update_pre :>json boolean disable_update_post :>json boolean enable_chart_cleanup :>json boolean skip_pre_flight :>json boolean dry_run :>json boolean wait :>json float timeout :: Request: { "file": "examples/openstack-helm.yaml", "options": { "debug": true, "disable_update_pre": false, "disable_update_post": false, "enable_chart_cleanup": false, "skip_pre_flight": false, "dry_run": false, "wait": false, "timeout": false } } :: Results: { "message": "success" } Tiller Endpoints ----------------- :: Endpoint: GET /tiller/releases Description: Retrieves tiller releases. :: Results: { "releases": { "armada-memcached": "openstack", "armada-etcd": "openstack", "armada-keystone": "openstack", "armada-rabbitmq": "openstack", "armada-horizon": "openstack" } } :: Endpoint: GET /tiller/status Retrieves the status of the Tiller server. :: Results: { "message": Tiller Server is Active }