Armada - Making Your First Armada Manifest ========================================== armada/Manifest/v1 ------------------ +---------------------+--------+----------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=====================+========+======================+ | ``release_prefix`` | string | tag appended to the | | | | front of all | | | | charts | | | | released | | | | by the | | | | yaml in | | | | order to | | | | manage releses | | | | throughout their | | | | lifecycles | +---------------------+--------+----------------------+ | ``chart_groups`` | array | references | | | | ChartGroup document | | | | of all groups | | | | | +---------------------+--------+----------------------+ Example ~~~~~~~~ :: --- schema: armada/Manifest/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: simple-armada data: release_prefix: armada chart_groups: - chart_group armada/ChartGroup/v1 -------------------- +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=================+==========+========================================================================+ | description | string | description of chart set | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | chart_group | array | reference to chart document | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | sequenced | bool | enables sequenced chart deployment in a group | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Example ~~~~~~~~ :: --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group data: description: Deploys Simple Service sequenced: False chart_group: - chart - chart armada/Chart/v1 --------------- Chart ^^^^^ +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=================+==========+========================================================================+ | chart\_name | string | name for the chart | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | release\_name | string | name of the release | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | namespace | string | namespace of your chart | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | timeout | int | time (in seconds) allotted for chart to deploy when 'wait' flag is set | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | install | object | install the chart into your Kubernetes cluster | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | update | object | update the chart managed by the armada yaml | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | values | object | override any default values in the charts | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | source | object | provide a path to a ``git repo`` or ``local dir`` deploy chart. | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dependencies | object | reference any chart dependencies before install | +-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Source ^^^^^^ +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyword | type | action | +=============+==========+===============================================================+ | type | string | source to build the chart: ``git`` or ``local`` | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | location | string | ``url`` or ``path`` to the chart's parent directory | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | subpath | string | relative path to target chart from parent | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ | reference | string | branch of the repo | +-------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ Defining a Chart ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To define your charts is not any different than helm. we do provide some post/pre actions that will help us manage our charts better. Behavior ^^^^^^^^ 1. will check if chart exists 1. if it does not exist - we will install the chart 2. if exist then - armada will check if there are any differences in the charts - if the charts are different then it will execute an upgrade - else it will not perform any actions .. note:: You can use references in order to build your charts, this will reduce the size of the chart definition will show example in multichart below Simple Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: --- schema: armada/Chart/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: chart_name: blog-1 release: blog-1 namespace: default values: {} source: type: git location: subpath: . reference: master dependencies: [] --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group data: description: Deploys Simple Service sequenced: False chart_group: - blog-1 --- schema: armada/Manifest/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: simple-armada data: release_prefix: armada chart_groups: - blog-group Multichart Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: --- schema: armada/Chart/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: chart_name: blog-1 release: blog-1 namespace: default values: {} source: type: git location: subpath: . reference: master dependencies: [] --- schema: armada/Chart/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-2 data: chart_name: blog-2 release: blog-2 namespace: default values: {} source: type: git location: subpath: . reference: master dependencies: [] --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group-1 data: description: Deploys Simple Service sequenced: False chart_group: - blog-2 --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group-2 data: description: Deploys Simple Service sequenced: False chart_group: - blog-1 --- schema: armada/Manifest/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: simple-armada data: release_prefix: armada chart_groups: - blog-group-1 - blog-group-2 References ~~~~~~~~~~ For working examples please check the examples in our repo `here `__