.. _guide-use-armada: Armada Install & Usage Guide ============================ Prerequisites ------------- Kubernetes Cluster `Helm `_ .. todo:: point this to v2 docs once they're stable :ref:`Armada documents ` .. note:: Need to have provided a storage system prior(ceph, nfs) Usage ----- .. note:: The apply command performs two main actions: installing and updating define charts in the armada manifest 1. Pull or Build the Armada Docker Images: .. code:: bash Pull: docker pull quay.io/airshipit/armada:latest-ubuntu_bionic Build: git clone https://opendev.org/airship/armada.git && cd armada/ docker build . -t quay.io/airshipit/armada:latest-ubuntu_bionic 2. Running Armada a. docker container .. note:: Make sure to mount your kubeconfig into ``/armada/.kube/config`` in the container .. note:: To run you custom Armada.yamls you need to mount them into the container as shown below. This example is using ``examples/`` directory in armada `repo `_. .. code:: bash docker run -d --net host -p 8000:8000 --name armada -v $(pwd)/etc/:/etc/ -v ~/.kube/:/armada/.kube/ -v $(pwd)/examples/:/examples quay.io/airshipit/armada:latest-ubuntu_bionic docker exec armada armada --help b. Helm Install .. note:: To install Armada via the Helm chart please make sure to provide a Keystone endpoint .. code:: bash make charts helm install /armada --name armada --namespace armada 3. Deploy armada yamls .. code:: bash docker exec armada armada apply /examples/openstack-helm.yaml [ --debug ] 4. Upgrading charts: modify the armada yaml or chart source code and run ``armada apply`` above .. code:: bash docker exec armada armada apply /examples/openstack-helm.yaml [ --debug ] 5. Testing Releases: .. code:: bash docker exec armada armada test --release=armada-keystone OR docker exec armada armada test --file=/examples/openstack-helm.yaml Overriding Manifest Values -------------------------- It is possible to override manifest values from the command line using the --set and --values flags. When using the set flag, the document type should be specified first, with the target values following in this manner: .. code:: bash armada apply --set [ document_type ]:[ document_name ]:[ data_value ]=[ value ] Example: armada apply --set chart:blog-1:release="new-blog" armada apply --set chart:blog-1:values.blog.new="welcome" .. note:: When overriding values using the set flag, new values will be inserted if they do not exist. An error will only occur if the correct pattern is not used. There are three types of override types that can be specified: - chart - chart_group - manifest An example of overriding the location of a chart: .. code:: bash armada apply --set chart:[ chart_name ]:source.location=test [ FILE ] Example: armada apply --set chart:blog-1:release=test [ FILE ] An example of overriding the description of a chart group: .. code:: bash armada apply --set chart_group:[ chart_group_name ]:description=test [ FILE ] Example: armada apply examples/simple.yaml --set chart_group:blog-group:description=test An example of overriding the release prefix of a manifest: .. code:: bash armada apply --set manifest:[ manifest_name ]:release_prefix=[ value ] [ FILE ] Example: armada apply example/simple.yaml --set manifest:simple-armada:release_prefix=armada-2 .. note:: The --set flag can be used multiple times. It is also possible to override manifest values using values specified in a yaml file using the --values flag. When using the --values flag, a path to the yaml file should be specified in this format: .. code:: bash armada apply --values [ path_to_yaml ] [ FILE ] Example: armada apply examples/simple.yaml --values examples/simple-ovr-values.yaml .. note:: The --values flag, like the --set flag, can be specified more than once. The --set and --values flag can also be specified at the same time; however, overrides specified by the --set flag take precedence over those specified by the --values flag. When creating a yaml file of override values, it should be the same as creating an armada manifest overriding documents with the same schema and metadata name for example: .. code:: yaml --- schema: armada/Chart/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-1 data: release: chart-example namespace: blog-blog --- schema: armada/Chart/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-2 data: release: chart-example-2 namespace: blog-blog --- schema: armada/ChartGroup/v1 metadata: schema: metadata/Document/v1 name: blog-group data: description: Change value deploy chart_group: - blog-1 User bearer token ----------------- It is possible to pass the user bearer token from the armada CLI to interact with a kubernetes cluster that has been configured with an external Auth-backend like openstack-keystone. .. code:: bash Example: armada apply --bearer-token [ TOKEN ] --values [ path_to_yaml ] [ FILE ] .. note:: The bearer token option is available for the following commands armada apply,