# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import jsonschema import requests import traceback from oslo_log import log as logging from armada import const from armada.handlers import schema as sch from armada.handlers.manifest import Manifest from armada.exceptions.manifest_exceptions import ManifestException from armada.utils.validation_message import ValidationMessage LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _validate_armada_manifest(manifest): """Validates an Armada manifest file output by :class:`armada.handlers.manifest.Manifest`. This will do business logic validation after the input files have be syntactically validated via jsonschema. :param dict manifest: The manifest to validate. :returns: A tuple of (bool, list[dict]) where the first value indicates whether the validation succeeded or failed and the second value is the validation details with a minimum keyset of (message(str), error(bool)) :rtype: tuple. """ details = [] try: manifest.get_manifest().get(const.KEYWORD_DATA) except ManifestException as me: vmsg = ValidationMessage( message=str(me), error=True, name='ARM001', level='Error') LOG.error(traceback.format_exc()) LOG.error('ValidationMessage: %s', vmsg.get_output_json()) details.append(vmsg.get_output()) return False, details if len([x for x in details if x.get('error', False)]) > 0: return False, details return True, details def validate_armada_manifests(documents): """Validate each Armada manifest found in the document set. :param documents: List of Armada documents to validate :type documents: :func: `list[dict]`. """ messages = [] all_valid = True for document in documents: doc_schema = document.get('schema') if doc_schema: schema_info = sch.get_schema_info(doc_schema) if schema_info and schema_info.type == sch.TYPE_MANIFEST: target = document.get('metadata').get('name') # TODO(MarshM) explore: why does this pass 'documents'? manifest = Manifest(documents, target_manifest=target) is_valid, details = _validate_armada_manifest(manifest) all_valid = all_valid and is_valid messages.extend(details) return all_valid, messages def validate_armada_document(document): """Validates a document ingested by Armada by subjecting it to JSON schema validation. :param dict dictionary: The document to validate. :returns: A tuple of (bool, list[dict]) where the first value indicates whether the validation succeeded or failed and the second value is the validation details with a minimum keyset of (message(str), error(bool)) :rtype: tuple. :raises TypeError: If ``document`` is not of type ``dict``. """ if not isinstance(document, dict): raise TypeError( 'The provided input "%s" must be a dictionary.' % document) schema = document.get('schema', '') document_name = document.get('metadata', {}).get('name', None) details = [] LOG.debug('Validating document [%s] %s', schema, document_name) schema_info = sch.get_schema_info(schema) if schema_info: try: validator = jsonschema.Draft4Validator(schema_info.data) for error in validator.iter_errors(document.get('data')): error_message = "Invalid document [%s] %s: %s." % \ (schema, document_name, error.message) vmsg = ValidationMessage( message=error_message, error=True, name='ARM100', level='Error', schema=schema, doc_name=document_name) LOG.info('ValidationMessage: %s', vmsg.get_output_json()) details.append(vmsg.get_output()) except jsonschema.SchemaError as e: error_message = ('The built-in Armada JSON schema %s is invalid. ' 'Details: %s.' % (e.schema, e.message)) vmsg = ValidationMessage( message=error_message, error=True, name='ARM000', level='Error', diagnostic='Armada is misconfigured.') LOG.error('ValidationMessage: %s', vmsg.get_output_json()) details.append(vmsg.get_output()) if len([x for x in details if x.get('error', False)]) > 0: return False, details return True, details def validate_armada_documents(documents): """Validates multiple Armada documents. :param documents: List of Armada manifests to validate. :type documents: :func:`list[dict]`. :returns: A tuple of bool, list[dict] where the first value is whether the full set of documents is valid or not and the second is the detail messages from validation :rtype: tuple """ messages = [] # Track if all the documents in the set are valid all_valid = True for document in documents: is_valid, details = validate_armada_document(document) all_valid = all_valid and is_valid messages.extend(details) if all_valid: valid, details = validate_armada_manifests(documents) all_valid = all_valid and valid messages.extend(details) for msg in messages: if msg.get('error', False): LOG.error(msg.get('message', 'Unknown validation error.')) else: LOG.debug(msg.get('message', 'Validation succeeded.')) return all_valid, messages def validate_manifest_url(value): try: return (requests.get(value).status_code == 200) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: return False