# Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import mock from armada import const from armada.exceptions import manifest_exceptions from armada.handlers import wait from armada.tests.unit import base test_chart = {'wait': {'timeout': 10, 'native': {'enabled': False}}} class ChartWaitTestCase(base.ArmadaTestCase): def get_unit(self, chart, timeout=None): return wait.ChartWait( k8s=mock.MagicMock(), release_name='test-test', chart=chart, namespace='test', k8s_wait_attempts=1, k8s_wait_attempt_sleep=1, timeout=timeout) def test_get_timeout(self): unit = self.get_unit({'timeout': 5, 'wait': {'timeout': 10}}) self.assertEquals(unit.get_timeout(), 10) def test_get_timeout_default(self): unit = self.get_unit({}) self.assertEquals(unit.get_timeout(), const.DEFAULT_CHART_TIMEOUT) def test_get_timeout_override(self): unit = self.get_unit( timeout=20, chart={ 'timeout': 5, 'wait': { 'timeout': 10 } }) self.assertEquals(unit.get_timeout(), 20) def test_get_timeout_deprecated(self): unit = self.get_unit({'timeout': 5}) self.assertEquals(unit.get_timeout(), 5) def test_is_native_enabled_default_true(self): unit = self.get_unit({}) self.assertEquals(unit.is_native_enabled(), True) def test_is_native_enabled_true(self): unit = self.get_unit({'wait': {'native': {'enabled': True}}}) self.assertEquals(unit.is_native_enabled(), True) def test_is_native_enabled_false(self): unit = self.get_unit({'wait': {'native': {'enabled': False}}}) self.assertEquals(unit.is_native_enabled(), False) def test_waits_init(self): unit = self.get_unit({ 'wait': { 'resources': [{ 'type': 'pod', 'labels': { 'foo': 'bar' } }, { 'type': 'job', 'labels': { 'foo': 'bar' } }, { 'type': 'daemonset', 'labels': { 'foo': 'bar' }, 'min_ready': 5 }, { 'type': 'deployment', 'labels': { 'foo': 'bar' }, 'min_ready': '50%' }, { 'type': 'statefulset', 'labels': { 'foo': 'bar' } }] } }) # yapf: disable self.assertEqual(5, len(unit.waits)) self.assertIsInstance(unit.waits[0], wait.PodWait) self.assertIsInstance(unit.waits[1], wait.JobWait) self.assertIsInstance(unit.waits[2], wait.DaemonSetWait) self.assertIsInstance(unit.waits[3], wait.DeploymentWait) self.assertIsInstance(unit.waits[4], wait.StatefulSetWait) def test_waits_init_min_ready_fails_if_not_controller(self): def create_pod_wait_min_ready(): self.get_unit({ 'wait': { 'resources': [{ 'type': 'pod', 'labels': { 'foo': 'bar' }, 'min_ready': 5 }] } }) self.assertRaises(manifest_exceptions.ManifestException, create_pod_wait_min_ready) def create_job_wait_min_ready(): self.get_unit({ 'wait': { 'resources': [{ 'type': 'job', 'labels': { 'foo': 'bar' }, 'min_ready': 5 }] } }) self.assertRaises(manifest_exceptions.ManifestException, create_job_wait_min_ready) def test_waits_init_invalid_type(self): def create_with_invalid_type(): self.get_unit({ 'wait': { 'resources': [{ 'type': 'invalid', 'labels': { 'foo': 'bar' }, 'min_ready': 5 }] } }) self.assertRaises(manifest_exceptions.ManifestException, create_with_invalid_type) @mock.patch.object(wait.ChartWait, 'get_resource_wait') def test_wait(self, get_resource_wait): def return_mock(*args, **kwargs): return mock.MagicMock() get_resource_wait.side_effect = return_mock unit = self.get_unit( {'wait': { 'resources': [{ 'type': 'foo' }, { 'type': 'bar' }] }}) unit.wait(10) self.assertEqual(2, len(unit.waits)) for w in unit.waits: w.wait.assert_called_once() class PodWaitTestCase(base.ArmadaTestCase): def get_unit(self, labels): return wait.PodWait( resource_type='pod', chart_wait=mock.MagicMock(), labels=labels) def test_include_resource(self): def mock_resource(annotations): resource = mock.Mock() resource.metadata.annotations = annotations return resource test_resources = [ mock_resource({ 'key': 'value', 'helm.sh/hook': 'test-success' }), mock_resource({'helm.sh/hook': 'test-failure'}), mock_resource({'helm.sh/hook': 'test-success,pre-install'}) ] non_test_resources = [ mock_resource({'helm.sh/hook': 'pre-install'}), mock_resource({'key': 'value'}), mock_resource({}) ] unit = self.get_unit({}) # Validate test resources excluded for resource in test_resources: self.assertFalse(unit.include_resource(resource)) # Validate other resources included for resource in non_test_resources: self.assertTrue(unit.include_resource(resource))