# Copyright 2017 The Armada Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import click from oslo_config import cfg import yaml from armada.cli import CliAction from armada import const from armada.handlers.chart_delete import ChartDelete from armada.handlers.lock import lock_and_thread from armada.handlers.manifest import Manifest from armada.handlers.tiller import Tiller from armada.utils.release import release_prefixer CONF = cfg.CONF @click.group() def delete(): """ Delete releases by targeting specific releases or via a manifest file. """ DESC = """ This command deletes releases. The delete command will delete the releases either via a manifest or by targeting specific releases. To delete all the releases that are created by the Armada manifest: $ armada delete --manifest examples/simple.yaml To delete releases by the name: $ armada delete --releases blog-1 or $ armada delete --releases blog-1,blog-2,blog-3 """ SHORT_DESC = "Command deletes releases." @delete.command(name='delete', help=DESC, short_help=SHORT_DESC) @click.option('--manifest', help="Armada Manifest file.", type=str) @click.option( '--releases', help="Comma-separated list of release names.", type=str) @click.option( '--no-purge', help="Deletes release without purge option.", is_flag=True) @click.option('--tiller-host', help="Tiller host IP.", default=None) @click.option( '--tiller-port', help="Tiller host port.", type=int, default=None) @click.option('--bearer-token', help="User Bearer token.", default=None) @click.option('--debug', help="Enable debug logging.", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def delete_charts( ctx, manifest, releases, no_purge, tiller_host, tiller_port, bearer_token, debug): CONF.debug = debug DeleteChartManifest( ctx, manifest, releases, no_purge, tiller_host, tiller_port, bearer_token).safe_invoke() class DeleteChartManifest(CliAction): def __init__( self, ctx, manifest, releases, no_purge, tiller_host, tiller_port, bearer_token): super(DeleteChartManifest, self).__init__() self.ctx = ctx self.manifest = manifest self.releases = releases self.purge = not no_purge self.tiller_host = tiller_host self.tiller_port = tiller_port self.bearer_token = bearer_token def invoke(self): with Tiller(tiller_host=self.tiller_host, tiller_port=self.tiller_port, bearer_token=self.bearer_token) as tiller: self.handle(tiller) @lock_and_thread() def handle(self, tiller): known_release_names = [release[0] for release in tiller.list_charts()] if self.releases: target_releases = [ r.strip() for r in self.releases.split(',') if r.strip() in known_release_names ] if not target_releases: self.logger.info("There's no release to delete.") return if not self.ctx.obj.get('api', False): for r in target_releases: self.logger.info("Deleting release %s", r) tiller.delete_release(r, purge=self.purge) else: raise NotImplementedError() if self.manifest: target_deletes = [] with open(self.manifest) as f: documents = list(yaml.safe_load_all(f.read())) try: armada_obj = Manifest(documents).get_manifest() prefix = armada_obj.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA).get( const.KEYWORD_PREFIX) for group in armada_obj.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA).get( const.KEYWORD_GROUPS): for ch in group.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA).get( const.KEYWORD_CHARTS): chart = ch.get(const.KEYWORD_DATA) release_name = release_prefixer( prefix, chart.get('release')) if release_name in known_release_names: target_deletes.append((chart, release_name)) except yaml.YAMLError as e: mark = e.problem_mark self.logger.info( "While parsing the manifest file, %s. " "Error position: (%s:%s)", e.problem, mark.line + 1, mark.column + 1) if not target_deletes: self.logger.info("There's no release to delete.") return if not self.ctx.obj.get('api', False): for chart, release in target_deletes: chart_delete = ChartDelete( chart, release, tiller, purge=self.purge) chart_delete.delete() else: raise NotImplementedError()