# Copyright 2017 The Armada Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re from kubernetes import client, config, watch from kubernetes.client.rest import ApiException from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF class K8s(object): ''' Object to obtain the local kube config file ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialize connection to Kubernetes ''' config.load_kube_config() self.client = client.CoreV1Api() self.batch_api = client.BatchV1Api() self.extension_api = client.ExtensionsV1beta1Api() def delete_job_action(self, name, namespace="default"): ''' :params name - name of the job :params namespace - name of pod that job ''' try: body = client.V1DeleteOptions() self.batch_api.delete_namespaced_job( name=name, namespace=namespace, body=body) except ApiException as e: LOG.error("Exception when deleting a job: %s", e) def get_namespace_job(self, namespace="default", label_selector=''): ''' :params lables - of the job :params namespace - name of jobs ''' try: return self.batch_api.list_namespaced_job( namespace, label_selector=label_selector) except ApiException as e: LOG.error("Exception getting a job: %s", e) def create_job_action(self, name, namespace="default"): ''' :params name - name of the job :params namespace - name of pod that job ''' LOG.debug(" %s in namespace: %s", name, namespace) def get_namespace_pod(self, namespace="default", label_selector=''): ''' :params namespace - namespace of the Pod :params label_selector - filters Pods by label This will return a list of objects req namespace ''' return self.client.list_namespaced_pod( namespace, label_selector=label_selector) def get_all_pods(self, label_selector=''): ''' :params label_selector - filters Pods by label Returns a list of pods from all namespaces ''' return self.client.list_pod_for_all_namespaces( label_selector=label_selector) def get_namespace_daemonset(self, namespace='default', label=''): ''' :param namespace - namespace of target deamonset :param labels - specify targeted daemonset ''' return self.extension_api.list_namespaced_daemon_set( namespace, label_selector=label) def create_daemon_action(self, namespace, template): ''' :param - namespace - pod namespace :param - template - deploy daemonset via yaml ''' # we might need to load something here self.extension_api.create_namespaced_daemon_set( namespace, body=template) def delete_daemon_action(self, name, namespace="default", body=None): ''' :params - namespace - pod namespace This will delete daemonset ''' if body is None: body = client.V1DeleteOptions() return self.extension_api.delete_namespaced_daemon_set( name, namespace, body) def delete_namespace_pod(self, name, namespace="default", body=None): ''' :params name - name of the Pod :params namespace - namespace of the Pod :params body - V1DeleteOptions Deletes pod by name and returns V1Status object ''' if body is None: body = client.V1DeleteOptions() return self.client.delete_namespaced_pod( name, namespace, body) def wait_for_pod_redeployment(self, old_pod_name, namespace): ''' :param old_pod_name - name of pods :param namespace - kubernetes namespace ''' base_pod_pattern = re.compile('^(.+)-[a-zA-Z0-9]+$') if not base_pod_pattern.match(old_pod_name): LOG.error('Could not identify new pod after purging %s', old_pod_name) return pod_base_name = base_pod_pattern.match(old_pod_name).group(1) new_pod_name = '' w = watch.Watch() for event in w.stream(self.client.list_namespaced_pod, namespace): event_name = event['object'].metadata.name event_match = base_pod_pattern.match(event_name) if not event_match or not event_match.group(1) == pod_base_name: continue pod_conditions = event['object'].status.conditions # wait for new pod deployment if event['type'] == 'ADDED' and not pod_conditions: new_pod_name = event_name elif new_pod_name: for condition in pod_conditions: if (condition.type == 'Ready' and condition.status == 'True'): LOG.info('New pod %s deployed', new_pod_name) w.stop()