# Copyright 2017 The Armada Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import yaml import click from oslo_config import cfg from armada.cli import CliAction from armada import const from armada.handlers.test import test_release_for_success from armada.handlers.manifest import Manifest from armada.handlers.tiller import Tiller from armada.utils.release import release_prefixer CONF = cfg.CONF @click.group() def test(): """ Test Manifest Charts """ DESC = """ This command tests deployed charts. The tiller command uses flags to obtain information from Tiller services. The test command will run the release chart tests either via a the manifest or by targeting a release. To test Armada deployed releases: $ armada test --file examples/simple.yaml To test release: $ armada test --release blog-1 """ SHORT_DESC = "Command tests releases." @test.command(name='test', help=DESC, short_help=SHORT_DESC) @click.option('--file', help="Armada manifest.", type=str) @click.option('--release', help="Helm release.", type=str) @click.option('--tiller-host', help="Tiller host IP.", default=None) @click.option( '--tiller-port', help="Tiller host port.", type=int, default=CONF.tiller_port) @click.option( '--tiller-namespace', '-tn', help="Tiller Namespace.", type=str, default=CONF.tiller_namespace) @click.option( '--target-manifest', help=("The target manifest to run. Required for specifying " "which manifest to run when multiple are available."), default=None) @click.option( '--cleanup', help=("Delete test pods upon completion."), is_flag=True, default=None) @click.option('--debug', help="Enable debug logging.", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def test_charts(ctx, file, release, tiller_host, tiller_port, tiller_namespace, target_manifest, cleanup, debug): CONF.debug = debug TestChartManifest(ctx, file, release, tiller_host, tiller_port, tiller_namespace, target_manifest, cleanup).safe_invoke() class TestChartManifest(CliAction): def __init__(self, ctx, file, release, tiller_host, tiller_port, tiller_namespace, target_manifest, cleanup): super(TestChartManifest, self).__init__() self.ctx = ctx self.file = file self.release = release self.tiller_host = tiller_host self.tiller_port = tiller_port self.tiller_namespace = tiller_namespace self.target_manifest = target_manifest self.cleanup = cleanup def invoke(self): tiller = Tiller( tiller_host=self.tiller_host, tiller_port=self.tiller_port, tiller_namespace=self.tiller_namespace) known_release_names = [release[0] for release in tiller.list_charts()] if self.release: if not self.ctx.obj.get('api', False): self.logger.info("RUNNING: %s tests", self.release) success = test_release_for_success( tiller, self.release, cleanup=self.cleanup) if success: self.logger.info("PASSED: %s", self.release) else: self.logger.info("FAILED: %s", self.release) else: client = self.ctx.obj.get('CLIENT') query = { 'tiller_host': self.tiller_host, 'tiller_port': self.tiller_port, 'tiller_namespace': self.tiller_namespace } resp = client.get_test_release( release=self.release, query=query) self.logger.info(resp.get('result')) self.logger.info(resp.get('message')) if self.file: if not self.ctx.obj.get('api', False): documents = list(yaml.safe_load_all(open(self.file).read())) armada_obj = Manifest( documents, target_manifest=self.target_manifest).get_manifest() prefix = armada_obj.get(const.KEYWORD_ARMADA).get( const.KEYWORD_PREFIX) for group in armada_obj.get(const.KEYWORD_ARMADA).get( const.KEYWORD_GROUPS): for ch in group.get(const.KEYWORD_CHARTS): chart = ch['chart'] release_name = release_prefixer( prefix, chart.get('release')) if release_name in known_release_names: cleanup = self.cleanup if cleanup is None: test_chart_override = chart.get('test', {}) if isinstance(test_chart_override, bool): self.logger.warn( 'Boolean value for chart `test` key is' ' deprecated and support for this will' ' be removed. Use `test.enabled` ' 'instead.') # Use old default value. cleanup = True else: cleanup = test_chart_override.get( 'options', {}).get('cleanup', False) self.logger.info('RUNNING: %s tests', release_name) success = test_release_for_success( tiller, release_name, cleanup=cleanup) if success: self.logger.info("PASSED: %s", release_name) else: self.logger.info("FAILED: %s", release_name) else: self.logger.info('Release %s not found - SKIPPING', release_name) else: client = self.ctx.obj.get('CLIENT') query = { 'tiller_host': self.tiller_host, 'tiller_port': self.tiller_port, 'tiller_namespace': self.tiller_namespace } with open(self.filename, 'r') as f: resp = client.get_test_manifest( manifest=f.read(), query=query) for test in resp.get('tests'): self.logger.info('Test State: %s', test) for item in test.get('tests').get(test): self.logger.info(item) self.logger.info(resp)