#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. if [[ -n $GATE_DEBUG && $GATE_DEBUG = "1" ]]; then set -x fi set -e # Define NUM_NODES to appropriate values to check this number of k8s nodes. function upload_script() { source "$GATE_UTILS" BASENAME=$(basename $BASH_SOURCE) # Copies script to genesis VM rsync_cmd "$BASH_SOURCE" "$GENESIS_NAME:/root/airship/" set -o pipefail ssh_cmd_raw "$GENESIS_NAME" "KUBECONFIG=${KUBECONFIG} GATE_DEBUG=${GATE_DEBUG} NUM_NODES=$1 /root/airship/${BASENAME}" 2>&1 | tee -a "$LOG_FILE" set +o pipefail } function kubectl_retry() { cnt=0 while true; do "$KUBECTL" "$@" ret=$? cnt=$((cnt+1)) if [[ "$ret" -ne "0" ]]; then if [[ "$cnt" -lt "$MAX_TRIES" ]]; then sleep $PAUSE else return 1 fi else break fi done } function check_kube_nodes() { try=0 while true; do nodes_list=$(kubectl_retry get nodes --no-headers) || true ret=$? try=$((try+1)) if [ "$ret" -ne "0" ]; then if [[ "$try" -lt "$MAX_TRIES" ]]; then sleep $PAUSE else echo -e "Can't get nodes" return 1 fi fi nodes_list="${nodes_list}\n" all_nodes=$(echo -en "$nodes_list" | wc -l) ok_nodes=$(echo -en "$nodes_list" | grep -c -v "NotReady" || true) if [[ "$all_nodes" == "$1" && "$ok_nodes" == "$1" ]]; then echo "Nodes: ${all_nodes}" break else echo "Error: not enough nodes(found ${all_nodes}, ready ${ok_nodes}, expected $1)" return 1 fi done } function check_kube_components() { try=0 while true; do res=$(kubectl_retry get cs -o jsonpath="{.items[*].conditions[?(@.type == \"Healthy\")].status}") || true try=$((try+1)) if $(echo $res | grep -q False); then if [[ "$try" -lt "$MAX_TRIES" ]]; then sleep $PAUSE else echo "Error: kubernetes components are not working properly" kubectl_retry get cs exit 1 fi else break fi done } if [[ -n "$GATE_UTILS" ]]; then upload_script $NUM_NODES else set +e KUBECONFIG="${KUBECONFIG:-/etc/kubernetes/admin/kubeconfig.yaml}" KUBECTL="${KUBECTL:-/usr/local/bin/kubectl}" NUM_NODES="${NUM_NODES:-4}" PAUSE="${PAUSE:-1}" MAX_TRIES="${MAX_TRIES:-3}" if [[ ! -f "$KUBECTL" ]]; then echo "Error: ${KUBECTL} not found" exit 1 fi exit_code=0 check_kube_nodes $NUM_NODES nodes_status=$? check_kube_components components_status=$? if [[ "$nodes_status" -ne "0" || "$components_status" -ne "0" ]]; then echo "Kubernetes validation failed" exit 1 else echo "Kubernetes validation succeeded" fi fi