#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################### # Helper functions ############################################################################### # Key/value lookups from manifests manifests_lookup(){ local file="$1" local schema="$2" local mdata_name="$3" local key_path="$4" local oper="$5" local allow_fail="$6" FAIL=false RESULT=`python3 -c " import yaml,sys y = yaml.load_all(open('$file')) for x in y: if x.get('schema') == '$schema': if x['metadata']['name'] == '$mdata_name': if isinstance(x$key_path,list): if '$oper' == 'get_size': print(len(x$key_path)) break else: for i in x$key_path: print(i) break else: if '$oper' == 'dict_keys': print(' '.join(x$key_path.keys())) break else: print(x$key_path) break else: sys.exit(1)" 2>&1` || FAIL=true if [[ $FAIL = true ]] && [[ $allow_fail != true ]]; then echo "Lookup failed for schema '$schema', metadata.name '$mdata_name', key path '$key_path'" exit 1 fi } install_file(){ local path="$1" local content="$2" local permissions="$3" local dirname=$(dirname "$path") if [[ ! -d $dirname ]]; then mkdir -p "$dirname" fi if [[ ! -f $path ]] || [ "$(cat "$path")" != "$content" ]; then echo "$content" > "$path" chmod "$permissions" "$path" FILE_UPDATED=true else FILE_UPDATED=false fi } ############################################################################### # Script inputs and validations ############################################################################### if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as sudo/root" exit 1 fi if ([[ -z $1 ]] && [[ -z $RENDERED ]]) || [[ $1 =~ .*[hH][eE][lL][pP].* ]]; then echo "Missing required script argument" echo "Usage: ./$(basename $BASH_SOURCE) /path/to/rendered/site/manifest.yaml" exit 1 fi if [[ -n $1 ]]; then rendered_file="$1" else rendered_file="$RENDERED" fi if [[ ! -f $rendered_file ]]; then echo "Specified rendered manifests file '$rendered_file' does not exist" exit 1 fi echo "Using rendered manifests file '$rendered_file'" # env vars which can be set if you want to disable : ${DISABLE_SECCOMP_PROFILE:=} : ${DISABLE_APPARMOR_PROFILES:=} ############################################################################### # bootaction: seccomp-profiles ############################################################################### if [[ ! $DISABLE_SECCOMP_PROFILE ]]; then # Fetch seccomp profile data manifests_lookup "$rendered_file" "drydock/BootAction/v1" \ "seccomp-profiles" "['data']['assets'][0]['path']" path="$RESULT" echo "seccomp profiles asset[0] path located: '$path'" manifests_lookup "$rendered_file" "drydock/BootAction/v1" \ "seccomp-profiles" "['data']['assets'][0]['permissions']" permissions="$RESULT" echo "seccomp profiles asset[0] permissions located: '$permissions'" manifests_lookup "$rendered_file" "drydock/BootAction/v1" \ "seccomp-profiles" "['data']['assets'][0]['data']" content="$RESULT" echo "seccomp profiles assets[0] data located: '$content'" # seccomp_default install_file "$path" "$content" "$permissions" fi ############################################################################### # bootaction: apparmor-profiles ############################################################################### if [[ ! $DISABLE_APPARMOR_PROFILES ]]; then manifests_lookup "$rendered_file" "drydock/BootAction/v1" \ "apparmor-profiles" "['data']['assets']" "get_size" if [[ -n "$RESULT" ]] && [[ $RESULT -gt 0 ]]; then # Fetch apparmor profile data LAST=$(( $RESULT - 1 )) for i in `seq 0 $LAST`; do manifests_lookup "$rendered_file" "drydock/BootAction/v1" \ "apparmor-profiles" "['data']['assets'][$i]['path']" path="$RESULT" echo "apparmor profiles asset[$i] path located: '$path'" manifests_lookup "$rendered_file" "drydock/BootAction/v1" \ "apparmor-profiles" "['data']['assets'][$i]['permissions']" permissions="$RESULT" echo "apparmor profiles asset[$i] permissions located: '$permissions'" manifests_lookup "$rendered_file" "drydock/BootAction/v1" \ "apparmor-profiles" "['data']['assets'][$i]['data']" content="$RESULT" echo "apparmor profiles assets[$i] data located: '$content'" install_file "$path" "$content" "$permissions" done # reload all apparmor profiles systemctl reload apparmor.service fi fi