#!/bin/bash # # Copyright 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All other rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ############################################################################### # # # Set up and deploy an Airship environment for development/testing purposes. # # Many of the defaults and sources used here are NOT production ready, and # # this should not be used as a copy/paste source for any production use. # # # ############################################################################### set -x # IMPORTANT: # If the directory for airship-in-a-bottle is already cloned into $WORKSPACE, # it will not be re-cloned. This can be used to set up different tests, like # changing the versions and contents of the design before running this script # The last step to run through in this script. Valid Values are "collect", # "genesis", "deploy", and "demo". By default this will run through to the end # of the genesis steps LAST_STEP_NAME=${1:-"genesis"} if [[ ${LAST_STEP_NAME} == "collect" ]]; then STEP_BREAKPOINT=10 elif [[ ${LAST_STEP_NAME} == "genesis" ]]; then STEP_BREAKPOINT=20 elif [[ ${LAST_STEP_NAME} == "deploy" ]]; then STEP_BREAKPOINT=30 elif [[ ${LAST_STEP_NAME} == "demo" ]]; then STEP_BREAKPOINT=40 else STEP_BREAKPOINT=20 fi # The directory that will contain the copies of designs and repos from this script export WORKSPACE=${WORKSPACE:-"/root/deploy"} # The site to deploy TARGET_SITE=${TARGET_SITE:-"dev"} # Setup blank defaults for proxy variables http_proxy=${http_proxy:-""} https_proxy=${https_proxy:-""} no_proxy=${no_proxy:-""} # The host name for the single-node deployment. e.g.: 'genesis' SHORT_HOSTNAME=${SHORT_HOSTNAME:-""} # The host ip for this single-node deployment. e.g.: '' HOSTIP=${HOSTIP:-""} # The cidr for the network for the host. e.g.: '' HOSTCIDR=${HOSTCIDR:-""} # The interface on the host/genesis node. e.g.: 'ens3' NODE_NET_IFACE=${NODE_NET_IFACE:-""} # Allowance for Genesis/Armada to settle in seconds: POST_GENESIS_DELAY=${POST_GENESIS_DELAY:-60} # Repositories AIRSHIP_IN_A_BOTTLE_REPO=${AIRSHIP_IN_A_BOTTLE_REPO:-"https://opendev.org/airship/airship-in-a-bottle"} AIRSHIP_IN_A_BOTTLE_REFSPEC=${AIRSHIP_IN_A_BOTTLE_REFSPEC:-""} PEGLEG_REPO=${PEGLEG_REPO:-"https://opendev.org/airship/pegleg.git"} PEGLEG_REFSPEC=${PEGLEG_REFSPEC:-""} SHIPYARD_REPO=${SHIPYARD_REPO:-"https://opendev.org/airship/shipyard.git"} SHIPYARD_REFSPEC=${SHIPYARD_REFSPEC:-""} # Images # TODO(bryan-strassner) refit to use master Pegleg PEGLEG_IMAGE=${PEGLEG_IMAGE:-"quay.io/airshipit/pegleg:ac6297eae6c51ab2f13a96978abaaa10cb46e3d6"} PROMENADE_IMAGE=${PROMENADE_IMAGE:-"quay.io/airshipit/promenade:master"} # Command shortcuts PEGLEG=${WORKSPACE}/airship-pegleg/tools/pegleg.sh function check_preconditions() { set +x fail=false if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ] ; then echo "Please execute this script as root!" fail=true fi if [ -z ${HOSTIP} ] ; then echo "The HOSTIP variable must be set. E.g." fail=true fi if [ -z ${SHORT_HOSTNAME} ] ; then echo "The SHORT_HOSTNAME variable must be set. E.g. testvm1" fail=true fi if [ -z ${HOSTCIDR} ] ; then echo "The HOSTCIDR variable must be set. E.g." fail=true fi if [ -z ${NODE_NET_IFACE} ] ; then echo "The NODE_NET_IFACE variable must be set. E.g. ens3" fail=true fi if [[ -z $(grep $SHORT_HOSTNAME /etc/hosts | grep $HOSTIP) ]] then echo "No /etc/hosts entry found for $SHORT_HOSTNAME. Please add one." fail=true fi if [ $fail = true ] ; then echo "Preconditions failed" exit 1 fi set -x } function setup_workspace() { # Setup workspace directories mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/collected mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/genesis # Open permissions for output from Promenade chmod -R 777 ${WORKSPACE}/genesis } function configure_docker() { if [[ ! -z "${https_proxy}" ]] || [[ ! -z "${http_proxy}" ]] then echo "Configuring Docker to use a proxy..." mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/ cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf [Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=${http_proxy}" Environment="HTTPS_PROXY=${https_proxy}" Environment="NO_PROXY=${no_proxy}" EOF systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart docker fi } function configure_apt() { if [[ ! -z "${https_proxy}" ]] || [[ ! -z "${http_proxy}" ]] then echo "Configuring apt to use a proxy..." mkdir -p /etc/apt/ cat << EOF > /etc/apt/apt.conf Acquire::http::proxy "${http_proxy}"; Acquire::https::proxy "${https_proxy}"; EOF fi } function get_repo() { # Setup a repository in the workspace # # $1 = name of directory the repo will clone to # $2 = repository url # $3 = refspec of repo pull cd ${WORKSPACE} if [ ! -d "$1" ] ; then git clone $2 if [ -n "$3" ] ; then cd $1 git pull $2 $3 cd .. fi fi } function setup_repos() { # Clone and pull the various git repos # Get pegleg for the script only. Image is separately referenced. get_repo airship-pegleg ${PEGLEG_REPO} ${PEGLEG_REFSPEC} # Get airship-in-a-bottle for the design get_repo airship-in-a-bottle ${AIRSHIP_IN_A_BOTTLE_REPO} ${AIRSHIP_IN_A_BOTTLE_REFSPEC} # Get Shipyard for use after genesis get_repo airship-shipyard ${SHIPYARD_REPO} ${SHIPYARD_REFSPEC} } function configure_dev_configurables() { cat << EOF >> ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files/site/${TARGET_SITE}/deployment/dev-configurables.yaml data: hostname: ${SHORT_HOSTNAME} hostip: ${HOSTIP} hostcidr: ${HOSTCIDR} interface: ${NODE_NET_IFACE} maas-ingress: '' EOF } function install_dependencies() { apt -qq update # Install docker apt -y install --no-install-recommends docker.io jq nmap } function run_pegleg_collect() { # Runs pegleg collect to get the documents combined IMAGE=${PEGLEG_IMAGE} TERM_OPTS="-i" ${PEGLEG} site -p /workspace/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files collect ${TARGET_SITE} -s /workspace/collected } function generate_certs() { # Runs the generation of certs by Promenade and builds bootstrap scripts # Note: In the really real world, CAs and certs would be provided as part of # the supplied design. In this dev/test environment, self signed is fine. # Moves the generated certificates from /genesis to the design, so that a # Lint can be run set +x echo "=== Generating updated certificates ===" set -x # Copy the collected yamls into the target for the certs cp "${WORKSPACE}/collected"/*.yaml ${WORKSPACE}/genesis docker run --rm -t \ -e http_proxy=$http_proxy \ -e https_proxy=$https_proxy \ -e no_proxy=$no_proxy \ -w /target \ -e PROMENADE_DEBUG=false \ -v ${WORKSPACE}/genesis:/target \ ${PROMENADE_IMAGE} \ promenade \ generate-certs \ -o /target \ $(ls ${WORKSPACE}/genesis) # Copy the generated certs back into the deployment_files structure cp ${WORKSPACE}/genesis/certificates.yaml ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files/site/${TARGET_SITE}/secrets } function lint_design() { # After the certificates are in the deployment files run a pegleg lint IMAGE=${PEGLEG_IMAGE} TERM_OPTS="-i" ${PEGLEG} lint -p /workspace/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files } function generate_genesis() { # Generate the genesis scripts docker run --rm -t \ -e http_proxy=$http_proxy \ -e https_proxy=$https_proxy \ -e no_proxy=$no_proxy \ -w /target \ -e PROMENADE_DEBUG=false \ -v ${WORKSPACE}/genesis:/target \ ${PROMENADE_IMAGE} \ promenade \ build-all \ -o /target \ --validators \ $(ls ${WORKSPACE}/genesis) } function run_genesis() { # Runs the genesis script that was generated ${WORKSPACE}/genesis/genesis.sh } function validate_genesis() { # Vaidates the genesis deployment ${WORKSPACE}/genesis/validate-genesis.sh } function genesis_complete() { # Setup kubeconfig if [ ! -d "$HOME/.kube" ] ; then mkdir ~/.kube fi cp -r /etc/kubernetes/admin/pki ~/.kube/pki cat /etc/kubernetes/admin/kubeconfig.yaml | sed -e 's/\/etc\/kubernetes\/admin/./' > ~/.kube/config set +x echo "-----------" echo "Waiting ${POST_GENESIS_DELAY} seconds for Genesis process to settle. This is a good time to grab one more coffee :)" echo "-----------" sleep ${POST_GENESIS_DELAY} echo " " echo "Genesis complete. " print_shipyard_info1 set -x } function print_shipyard_info1() { SHIPYARD_KEYSTONE_PASS=$(awk '/^data:/ {print $2}' ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files/site/${TARGET_SITE}/secrets/passphrases/ucp_shipyard_keystone_password.yaml) set +x # signals that genesis completed echo " " echo "The .yaml files in ${WORKSPACE} contain the site design that may be suitable for use with Shipyard. " echo "The Shipyard Keystone password ${SHIPYARD_KEYSTONE_PASS} may be found in ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files/site/${TARGET_SITE}/secrets/passphrases/ucp_shipyard_keystone_password.yaml" echo " " set -x } function setup_deploy_site() { # creates a directory /${WORKSPACE}/site with all the things necessary to run # deploy_site mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/site cp ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/manifests/common/creds.sh ${WORKSPACE}/site cp ${WORKSPACE}/genesis/*.yaml ${WORKSPACE}/site cp ${WORKSPACE}/airship-shipyard/tools/run_shipyard.sh ${WORKSPACE}/site cp ${WORKSPACE}/airship-shipyard/tools/shipyard_docker_base_command.sh ${WORKSPACE}/site cp ${WORKSPACE}/airship-shipyard/tools/execute_shipyard_action.sh ${WORKSPACE}/site print_shipyard_info2 } function print_shipyard_info2() { set +x echo " " echo "${WORKSPACE}/site is set up with creds.sh which can be sourced to set up credentials for use in running Shipyard" echo "${WORKSPACE}/site contains .yaml files that represent the single-node site deployment. (deployment_files.yaml, certificates.yaml)" echo " " echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "The following commands will execute Shipyard to setup and run a deploy_site action" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "cd ${WORKSPACE}/site" echo "source creds.sh" echo "./run_shipyard.sh create configdocs design --filename=/home/shipyard/host/deployment_files.yaml" echo "./run_shipyard.sh create configdocs secrets --filename=/home/shipyard/host/certificates.yaml --append" echo "./run_shipyard.sh commit configdocs" echo "./run_shipyard.sh create action deploy_site" echo " " echo "-----------" echo "Other Notes" echo "-----------" echo "If you need to run Armada directly to deploy charts (fix something broken?), the following may be of use:" echo "export ARMADA_IMAGE=quay.io/airshipit/armada" echo "docker run -t -v ~/.kube:/armada/.kube -v ${WORKSPACE}/site:/target --net=host \${ARMADA_IMAGE} apply /target/your-yaml.yaml" echo " " set -x } function execute_deploy_site() { set +x echo " " echo "This is an automated deployment using Shipyard, running commands noted previously" echo "Please stand by while Shipyard deploys the site" echo " " set -x #Automate the steps of deploying a site. cd ${WORKSPACE}/site source creds.sh ./run_shipyard.sh create configdocs design --filename=/home/shipyard/host/deployment_files.yaml ./run_shipyard.sh create configdocs secrets --filename=/home/shipyard/host/certificates.yaml --append ./run_shipyard.sh commit configdocs # set variables used in execute_shipyard_action.sh export max_shipyard_count=${max_shipyard_count:-60} export shipyard_query_time=${shipyard_query_time:-90} # monitor the execution of deploy_site bash execute_shipyard_action.sh 'deploy_site' } function execute_create_heat_stack() { # TODO: (bryan-strassner) prevent this running unless we're running from a # compatible site defintion that includes OpenStack set +x echo " " echo "Performing basic sanity checks by creating heat stacks" echo " " set -x # Switch to directory where the script is located cd ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/manifests/dev_single_node bash test_create_heat_stack.sh } function publish_horizon_dashboard() { kubectl -n openstack expose service/horizon-int --type=NodePort --name=horizon-dashboard } function print_dashboards() { AIRFLOW_PORT=$(kubectl -n ucp get service airflow-web-int -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}") HORIZON_PORT=$(kubectl -n openstack get service horizon-dashboard -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}") MAAS_PORT=$(kubectl -n ucp get service maas-region-ui -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}") MASS_PASS=$(awk '/^data:/ {print $2}' ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files/site/${TARGET_SITE}/secrets/passphrases/ucp_maas_admin_password.yaml) set +x echo " " echo "OpenStack Horizon dashboard is available on this host at the following URL:" echo " " echo " http://${HOSTIP}:${HORIZON_PORT}" echo " " # TODO: (roman_g) can we source it from somewhere? echo "Credentials:" echo " Domain: default" echo " Username: admin" echo " Password: password" echo " " echo "OpenStack CLI commands could be launched via \`./run_openstack_cli.sh\` script, e.g.:" echo " # cd ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/manifests/dev_single_node" echo " # ./run_openstack_cli.sh stack list" echo " ..." echo " " echo "Other dashboards:" echo " " echo " MAAS: http://${HOSTIP}:${MAAS_PORT}/MAAS/ admin/${MASS_PASS}" echo " Airship Shipyard Airflow DAG: http://${HOSTIP}:${AIRFLOW_PORT}/" echo " " echo "Airship itself does not have a dashboard." echo " " # TODO: (roman_g) endpoints.yaml path below does not seem to be a reliable location echo "Other endpoints and credentials are listed in the following locations:" echo " ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files/global/v1.0${TARGET_SITE}/software/config/endpoints.yaml" echo " ${WORKSPACE}/airship-in-a-bottle/deployment_files/site/${TARGET_SITE}/secrets/passphrases/" echo "Exposed ports of services can be listed with the following command:" echo " # kubectl get services --all-namespaces | grep -v ClusterIP" echo " ..." echo " " set -x } function your_next_steps() { set +x echo " " echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" echo " " echo "Airship has completed deployment of OpenStack (OpenStack-Helm)." echo " " echo "Explore Airship Treasuremap repository and documentation" echo "available at the following URLs:" echo " " echo " https://opendev.org/airship/treasuremap/" echo " https://airship-treasuremap.readthedocs.io/" echo " " echo "---------------------------------------------------------------" echo " " set -x } function clean() { # Perform any cleanup of temporary or unused artifacts set +x echo "To remove files generated during this script's execution, delete ${WORKSPACE}." echo "This VM is disposable. Re-deployment in this same VM will lead to unpredictable results." set -x } function error() { # Processes errors set +x echo "Error when $1." set -x exit 1 } trap clean EXIT # Common steps for all breakpoints specified check_preconditions || error "checking for preconditions" configure_apt || error "configuring apt behind proxy" setup_workspace || error "setting up workspace directories" setup_repos || error "setting up Git repos" configure_dev_configurables || error "adding dev-configurables values" install_dependencies || error "installing dependencies" configure_docker || error "configuring docker behind proxy" # collect if [[ ${STEP_BREAKPOINT} -ge 10 ]]; then echo "This is a good time to grab a coffee :)" run_pegleg_collect || error "running pegleg collect" fi # genesis if [[ ${STEP_BREAKPOINT} -ge 20 ]]; then generate_certs || error "setting up certs with Promenade" # Temporarially disabled until lint_design works with a single node. # lint_design || error "linting the design" generate_genesis || error "generating genesis" run_genesis || error "running genesis" validate_genesis || error "validating genesis" genesis_complete || error "printing out some info about next steps" setup_deploy_site || error "preparing the /site directory for deploy_site" fi # deploy if [[ ${STEP_BREAKPOINT} -ge 30 ]]; then execute_deploy_site || error "executing deploy_site from the /site directory" fi # demo if [[ ${STEP_BREAKPOINT} -ge 40 ]]; then execute_create_heat_stack || error "creating heat stack" publish_horizon_dashboard || error "publishing Horizon dashboard" print_shipyard_info1 print_shipyard_info2 print_dashboards || error "printing dashboards list" ## Done your_next_steps fi